The Dummy Gummy

Instead, Apple is planning on something much bigger: a pivot into the automobile industry.

Will it have windows?

Pretty amazing that the Germans would hassle the Hoff like that.

Good advice as usually. Thanks Tom.

I don’t believe any of this. My dog, 12 years old and he loves hugging my leg every day!

Volvo’s “issue” is that a Level 3 autonomous system is inherently dangerous and shouldn’t be used at all, due to the allowance of distraction for the driver but reliance on the driver to take over in emergency conditions.

I fucking love you for existing

Holy crap! What a total shit show that turned into.

If you’ve killed a Mustang owner before he has the chance to kill a group of innocent bystanders, then you sir are a hero.

I’d love a Focus RS.

I’m a Mustang owner, and I find this shit to be some of the funniest car memes in a while.

I mean, you probably could have let it go instead of continuing to stoke that shitstorm of a comment thread. And there were a number of Mustang owners that chimed in that weren’t antagonistic. But then again, it was a pretty funny read.

In fairness, thats the top reply to you. And it’s pretty freaking good. I’ve owned 6 mustangs, my first when I was 18. I’m 100% certain that I drove like a douchnozzle through the parking lot of my high school. Not so much on the road though, but that was because my father would have murdered me had I been caught

Those comments have made my day. Thank you for relinking them.

They’re too busy trying to act mature and level-headed to laugh at any Mustang joke, even an innocuous made in jest.

Former Mustang owner (albeit many many years ago) here:

After reading the shitstorm you introduced, I understood that from those who were butthurt here most have the following similarities:

Oh, and yes... people absolutely judge what other people drive. I’m a 35 year old man; if I show up to a business meeting in a Fiesta, it will absolutely not reflect well on me. I drove my share of beaten-down old Corollas when I was in my teens and early 20's, but that’s not something I could get away with at this