The Dummy Gummy

Do you always act like such a whiny bitch?

The 25 mph speed limit tends to make it easier.

Nah...we are too busy crashing our cars leaving cars and coffee to care

I keep telling myself, “you will not be able to insure this for less than the cost of a SpaceX rocket launch.”

It’s the pleats, I’m actually taking them back to the pants store right now

Are you excited?

I ordered mine in January, WHY ISN’T IT HERE YET?!

Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

Pardon, my British.

Annoying loud yelling, why do people do this, do they think that overacting is the only way to appeal to auto enthusiasts?

the old one looked amazing too, the most underrated part of TG isn’t the host, or the content, its the film and editing crew. Absolutely beautiful work they put together.

It was madness, and is madness. Fortunately with the fast pass the HP stuff was the only long wait, and that was only for the biggest ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The fast pass is great for the rest of the park, we went out of the Spider Man ride (IMO one of the best things there) and right back in

Because so many others have it too. We had a Harry Potter package where we got in an hour before the rest of the park opened. But again, a lot of other people did too, and we were there at 6 for a 7am opening, far from first in line, but near the front. But when the gates opened, there was a mad dash, people sprinting

Same. I don’t know what this is but... I like it? I’ve been dreading this so this is like finding that Batman v Superman is actually good.

Because without it the lines are even longer. It's better for the non-Harry potter rides but it's nothing like Disneys system

Music choice was perfect. They’ve kept the visual and audio styling, which I kinda wish they hadn’t, mostly because I think it links to the old too much. That being said, I don’t know how ELSE you’d do it, so what do I know?

So... Do they have to order this car in person, or can they go home and just order it online?

Well cones. I’m watching both shows. Burn me.

Yeah, I don’t really get this angle of: Making a dangerous situation more dangerous. There’s no pressing need to jump out of your car at that very moment. You could have blinded a biker, caused an accident, possibly killing the biker (who may be guilty of reckless driving but does not deserve to die) and caused