The Dummy Gummy

And if you get one, you will have even less money. Take it from someone who has two... (06' LJ and '80 CJ5 which would like awesome parked next to this)

Not sure why I was thinking PS2 memory cards. 🤔

It’s all down to the move from the EJ25 (that they used in literally everything) to the FA platform, which comes in 2.0 and 2.5L varieties. The new Legacy, Forester, and Outback all get the 2.5, which still has 170-180hp. I agree that the 2.0 feels a bit down on power, though as you’ve mentioned, it was likely kept…

What i find completely crazy about these cars is that you pretty much get the worst of all worlds. They are under-powered, suffer poor aerodynamics, they handle poorly, and they have very little space.

Im surprised to see so many people get a small CUV over a small car thinking that they will have more practicality…

“Here are 15 cars that would have been better in every way as regular hatchbacks”

Nah man, I’m a pretty hardcore Ghostbusters fan and I thought it was awesome.

Yeah, I like the reboot rendition too. But it doesn’t lend itself well to sampling they were using in the trailer. Seems like a climatic track or something.

Bingo. The only flexible comedian in the bunch.

Can’t say I don’t agree with you. But to Wiig’s defense, she at least plays up weird characters from her SNL days.

I didn’t think it was bad, but overbearing. Using it only for the final title reveal (like in the fan trailer) was a better choice IMO, kinda bridges old to new a bit.

“yeah we get it, they’ve shit on your childhood, feminazis...blah blah blah”

So the less you see the better it is? Just like a Paul Feig movie!

Go ahead and say it, the True Grit remake was much better.

Porn industry?

I have money on 1 month after the swearing in!

how much do you want to bet both bubbles pop at the same time? lol

Is this a true deal or is this just Gawker trying to generate commission?

Is this a true deal or is this just Gawker trying to generate commission?

I wanna start using my face like she does and see where it takes me in life.

It’s March 3rd, 3rd day of the 3rd month. Must be true.

Love the looks of the car but I would have to be up a tax bracket or two to justify buying such a niche vehicle. For the dollar there are better vehicles with more room, but DAMN that is a fine looking car.