The Dummy Gummy

Then any% isn’t the category for you, simple as that.

Beat the game in just over an hour?

Not really. I tend to see older gamers more knowledgeable on what we had in the past and can compare what we have today with those. $60 for a balanced, competitive multiplayer game is fine, and veteran gamers are use to this and know this.

Yeah my discovery of their channel was a happy accident after linking to a clip from Wings. Glad you enjoy it!

It’s a keeper. Plus I usually don’t hear shit from the shit talkers after posting it as a response.

Have you played Tom Clancy games campaigns? Those were almost always stellar in terms of gameplay.

You’d think they’d charge more to cover the costs of the inevitable Tin Tin lawsuit.

I didn’t realize the name Shane could be made even worse with a Y.

The glitch isn’t as bad as team names “Fear Boners” and “Revenge of Suck Me.”

Except that “they” are not ISIS, but most likely FSA. I guess descriminating between peaceful people forced into bad circumstances and making the best of it and ISIS is just beyond your abilities. Sad.

What is it with the Russians and immediately claiming the opposite cause for destruction for aircraft? The MH17 flight they claimed it was air-to-air shoot down, now they insist it must have been AAA or a SAM. Reading the whole “get ahead of the story” bit too literal I think.

If users truly want them to go away, stop playing. When someone digs their heels in the ground, sometimes the only way to move them is to pull the ground out from under them. It’s hard to nickel and dime a player base that has “left the building.”

LOL You’re a troll or a massive prick...not sure which is worse

This is the kind of actual Good person that religions (all of them) need to see more of. Less of the crazies, more of the really good people that live quietly, don’t harp endlessly about other peoples lifestyles and you only ever hear about when Luck decides today isn’t their day.

Staging a fight with a mascot: so easy a caveman could do it.

wow... kotaku... wtf, I thought the “highlight” reel was ridiculous... but this is just ludicrous... that’s it for me, I’m out, unbookmarking kotaku...

Thanks for reminding us. Now I’ve got the thought of that muppet scene in E3 where he knocks on Mr Iwata’s door only this time no one answers

That's a crime it didn't make it in here. I played this with my kids this weekend and they loved it. Then my six year old son went upstairs, started cutting construction paper, asked his mom for something, and came in looking like this.