Unprotected sex, obesity and type II diabetes are also exercises in profound disrespect for the gift of life.
It's not the 'attending a street race thing', as much as it's the whole 'witnessing a murder and then fleeing the scene and not coming forward with any info' thing that's kinda deplorable.
I'm a senior neurology resident (to preface my comment, so I'm not just another internet commenter talking out of his ass); pressure will not affect seizures. Stress, poor sleep, irregular schedule - like what might happen before a big day of jumping out of planes - do increase risk. If someone is well controlled…
Community service. They like hanging out near traffic that much, they can spend a few dozen Saturdays cleaning litter off the medians.
How about if they didn't give a statement and sign their name as a witness, they pay the fine? There's no "call within 2 hours" rule here, haha..
I hope Right Way Automotive gets a lot of business, good people deserve good things to happen to them.
In the original story it's stated that the team was staying at a hotel and they were transporting the car in a smaller unmarked white trailer with an unmarked black pickup towing it. The thieves probably stole it thinking the trailer was full of tools and gardening equipment, lawnmowers, etc. Stuff they could easily…
Paying attention is free.
There will be lots of other potentially revolutionary uses. The watch is designed to be able to replace car keys and the clumsy, large fobs that are now used by many vehicles, Cook told The Telegraph. This could be a major development and will reinforce the view that Apple is circling the automotive market.
Oh good. So when the Apple Watch dies after 2-4 hours of actual use, you won't be able to drive home.
I've never been in an accident, that's why I've never worn a seatbelt.
To me, as an insurance professional, I can absolutely see it being worth the extra couple grand. I had a very minor fender bender, in my old Outback XT, when I let my foot off the brake for a split second because the lady in front of me was turning right on red, but stopped for no reason at the last second (after…
It comes down to acceptable risk. Is it worth it for me to put on my bicycle helmet or seat belt? Absolutely, the cost is low and the benefit has been well documented. Several thousand dollars for the miniscule chance that you'll have an incident where the electronics will function quicker than you? There's a point of…
I like how you think you're an infallible human being, impervious to any form of distraction, like a child in the backseat, or a bleeding friend in the passenger seat, or a pregnant wife, or a tipped-over container of soup, or a piece of debris that's flown into your eye...
Or spend thousands more than you have to because you think the thousands more is worth it to you. Overspending isn't a cardinal sin. It just leaves you with less money than you'd otherwise have which isn't the end of the world for some people.
why is it ok to say "rich white assholes"? I have yet to read an article on Jalopnik disparaging any race other than Caucasian. Wouldn't your point have been equally well served by just saying "rich assholes"?
Is it written into the Gawker contract that at least one white person jab must be made in every comment section post by every author?
The fuck does it matter if they are white?