The Dummy Gummy

As a non motorcyclist, I approve of this whole heartedly. I love lane splitters, less traffic for everyone.
I always make sure to give them some extra room to account for the possibility of the guy next to me being a D bag that tries to block them.

Did they get the extended warranty?

The older looks much better. Having said that, I'm so glad the slider is back.

I'm terrible as well.


Quite frankly the original poster isn't good. I thought you guys had the same we have in France (which I really like):

It was an issue with an early run of the FA engines. A number of '11 & '12 Foresters and Imprezas had issues. Enough that people heard about it. Subaru has since changed the ring design and assembly procedure and they're back to having rock-solid engines again.

Today Bungie released a new patch for Destiny, a video game in which players gradually learn how to quit playing Destiny.

Ford Fiesta ST

If BMWs were reliable, they would be perfect cars.

Wow, there's 7 min. I'll never get back. What a complete waste of time.

This was fucking retarded and a total waste of my time. If you think that's a fight worth watching you need to get out more.

I really hope Mankind gets past this awful hatchback design trend.

THIS! Everyone is so damn sensitive these days!

Well, you know, emotions get lost on these boards :). Anyway, for me I don't have to do anything to have that map, just turn the car on. There are people who swear the built-in nav is a waste of money, and if it's optional, yeah, it kind of is. It came standard in the trim level of the car I bought, so I kind of

lmao. Well said man.

Good look! This is freaking awesome that you put out timely warnings like this. Thanks!

Where I live, we can get up to 700" of snow in the mountains, and everyone I know carries a collapsible avalanche shovel in their car. They break down small enough to easily fit in a spare tire well, but are strong enough to dig your car out of anything.

A part where he plays bad just to mislead his bro, is SO EVIL hahaha

Awesome trolling. I love how fun and lighthearted it was. The brother guessed it (I love his pleas for help understanding HOW his brother got so good, while admitting: wow, he's just so much better than me, instead of some trite accusations of hacking), but was cool about it, which made laughing about it so much more