If you were in a situation where your life could be taken at any second, would be hoping that the police take a few minutes first to verify the claim?
If you were in a situation where your life could be taken at any second, would be hoping that the police take a few minutes first to verify the claim?
If it's clean enough, you can probably take a tanker selfie. Just don't get too close. :o
FYI, there was sufficient room in the lane the Camry entered. The Camry was struck when the GTR lost control and skidded from the left lane over into the Camry's lane.
*emails spreadsheet to boss, 5 min before deadline*
A couple years ago it was £1 =$2. the pound has always been pretty strong.
You drive on the freeway expecting street racers coming from behind at high speeds checking "every 5-10 seconds"?
So you're ok with them endangering people's lives?
I don't think regular cars are getting more expensive, proportionally. There's definitely a lot more exoensive luxury cars, though
This isn'tnt going anywhere. You clearly can't comprehend liability. 1. The "tech" is supposed to drive the car to reproduce the issue. 2. The car should not have been driven to the service rep's class. 3. The reps less than stellar driving record is clearly an issue as well. I know anyone can have a hard time…
If we can see the stealth bomber ad then obviously it's not very stealth
1. Yes
It's not over until I get the keys in my hand. Thank you for following my story.
Are you drunk?
" I FB message him today to ask the status of my car". Facebook? Car status update? Really? And he's surprised there were school books in the front seat? Maybe it's just me, but I prefer my car dealers to be adults. (btw, I bought a new truck on Saturday, and there was no social media involved).
For maximum enjoyment, I recommend turning captions on.
Went to bed with it in my head. Woke up fine. now is back in my head. Thanks
I've found that in certain settings (work mostly) it's more acceptable/less rude to glance at a watch than to pull out a cell phone.
I've found that in certain settings (work mostly) it's more acceptable/less rude to glance at a watch than to pull…
Even though I own a smartphone, I've found it's infinitely easier to quickly glance at my wrist for the time — especially when my hands are full. I used to hate watches, but now I never leave the house without one.
Even though I own a smartphone, I've found it's infinitely easier to quickly glance at my wrist for the time —…