The Dummy Gummy


Looks like a high-end Chrysler aspen

Gonna need a timecode for when he plays SANDSTORM

I'm sad that you've mentioned him play all of these songs, and yet you didn't say where any of them are in the video. :<

You freakin tease! At least tell us when in the video he played the song :(

If the model 3 is shaped like a Prius at all, I will cry.

Nanny and tutors? Those were called my parents. Nothing like hearing rich people bitch about how hard it is to afford things.

Yeah - nanny and tutor aren't standard, chief.

That twinkie is literally smaller than Melissa McCarthy.

Good one!

The electric Golf faster to 60 than the gas GTI.......................... Shocking....!

Fixed it.

I always felt the Flex would look best with wood paneling sides a successor to the woodie

Don't try and church it up, son. Don't you mean Joe Dirt?

This show is on every morning while I eat my breakfast. It is a fantastic way to start the day

Guess you didn't read the article at all...also sounds like you have some insecurities to work out anyway.

I'd love to see a comparison of this to the XV Crosstrek which has a whole lot of usable ground clearance (8.7") and a good AWD system.