What are you talking about, damaging the paint? It's frog tape, made for detail painting. IT DOESN'T HURT THE PAINT. Read the article before posting.
given the engineering genius evidenced by the crimped turbo-to-intercooler silicon hose, this builder barely got this thing running. Starting there, I imagine that there's a whole bunch of half-assed"engineering" that needs to be redone.
Agreed. I also dont like to read politics here (or anywhere else really).
He's probably a nice guy, but he endorsed Cash 4 Clunkers after all. That's akin to instant jalop-disapproval.
Here's hoping every involved made it out without serious injury.
The Colts weren't using those same balls. How can people not get this?! Once again... I'm not saying that's why they won. But is Still. Fucking. Cheating. From a team who has already cheated in the past. Are we supposed to let cheating go just because they would have probably won anyway? God, you people are the worst.
sometimes more damage can be done staying in the car, when tractor trailers are involved, it's definitely one of those times, assess as much of the situation as you can, and try to get out and as far away from the carnage as possible.
Why do you suspect?
Thanks Captain Hindsight!
Ooh, that too.
The battery factory itself will be a new building that they're aiming to power entirely off solar. That said, further down the line in the mining and transportation supply chains I'm sure there's plenty of dirtiness occurring. Musk seems like the type of guy who would say "who cares, I'll pay the extra money" though.
Man... I wouldn't pay 20-25k for a 80 mile range car. Period.
Obviously you haven't looked into its patents.
Gosh Darn it Elon!! Give me my Hyperloop and Space Elevator already!
How many tons could a ton sonner son if a ton sonner could son tons?
Don't say a job. Don't ever say that.
They're pretty close. I drive 47 miles a day to work. Oh wait, they meant round-trip? Haaaaaaaa! In that case, I'm gonna need another 44 miles on that charge, GM. More, actually, in case I decide to, I don't know, stop for something or run an errand on the way home.
You could have still made it funny without making fun of his weight and calling him 'fatty'. It just makes it cheap humor.