You are a complete dip shit.
You are a complete dip shit.
100% accurate post. +1
Bullshit and weak journalism to be sure.
'67 Ford Mustang: 6-10%
'89 Porsche 944: 6-10%
'05 MINI Cooper S: 11-20%
I don't know, in the 2 seconds they showed it kind of looked like the cop was simply oblivious to Kawauchi's presence and once he glanced over he immediately (but calmly) drifted away from him. And it's cut off but the cop gives what looks like a shrug a couple seconds after.
I don't taste it because I chug it.
Or, a sudden whiteout that reduced visibility so much that speed didn't matter. That happens around here occasionally.
I'll give him a pass on the sunglasses. I have tinted windows on my car and still need sunglasses at times. The windshield isn't tinted... Admittedly I have very sensitive eyes, but snow glare is pretty rough.
Now these are some folks who understand the need to keep tire pressure within 1.5psi of specified figured...
Whatever you do make sure the pilot doesn't have the fish for dinner.
You do realize NJ gives the US money hand over fist right? NJ pays more Federal taxes for less returns on the dollar than all but 3 other states in the US yet has a larger population and a larger population density than the other three states (Minnesota, Delaware and Illinois)
How can legal be 90% of the battle when half is already taken by knowing?
Then you will not be allowed into the future.
Well that's just like, your opinion man.
It's bewildering how unimpressed these people look. Am I wrong?
The last one is the best thing ever.
For now on all cars that go out of control due to asshattery are said to be doing so because of Rule #1.5