The Dummy Gummy

There's no real need for a 'special rule' or any such nonsense to begin with.

IANAL, but that charge probably won't stick anyway. It's most likely just an excuse/placeholder to arrest the guy and hold/bail him while the CPS sort out proper charges.

If you think this will actually do much of anything, you have bigger problems. Texting is a far bigger problem than a navigation app.

There goes the speed trap notifications in Waze

Yeah... I was wondering if I was the only one not impressed by this in the least. I've had to do faster emergency lane changes in a bus to avoid killing someone (and again... IN A BUS). That car could see that truck coming from literally about 1000ft away.

Am I the only one who has decided I never want to go to Russia ever due to Russian dash cam footage? (ignoring all the other problems the country has)

he had a literal 3.0 seconds to flick the wheel a little to the right.

not sure how the brits treat couples in situations like this, in Canada if the bf does something dumb to the gf that results in him getting arrested, the gf can say i dont want to press charges but the cops have the luxury of ignoring that and still going ahead with them. That rule was put in place for domestic

hes on a bordeerline with kidnapping - she asked repeatedly to get out and he wouldnt let her while putting her in a unsafe situation...hes really really gone and fucked up.

"None? None at all? Not even one little letter?"

Just.....just stop. Anyone outside of Louisiana or isnt a Saints fan, finds this whole "WHO DAT!" thing pretty fucking annoying. It makes every Saints fan look like a bunch of imbeciles, and I cringe every time I hear it.


Outrun them you say? OK, try to imagine yourself in the Atlanta. You get your first look at this "180 HP turkey" as you drive down the interstate. He moves like a bird, slowly... And you keep speeding because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on speed... he'll lose you if you move fast enough. But no,

I think the Brooks saddle is what pushes the knob on hipsterdom, but yeah it's not totally committed to the look.

That's why they have you sign a waiver for the race version.

The price really comes with the word, 'hand-crafted'. So justifiable? Maybe. Fit and finish here is key. Another word as well, 'up-scale-ability'? I don't want to travel more than 35mph on a bicycle but the battery tech needs to be always a game changer. There 'Vintage Electric', I just gave you your next pitch.

At the mere mention of the concept of a bicycle, the media will start making tired hipster connections.


Yeah, but ain't it fun?

Here's how I do it.