The Dummy Gummy

Amen to that.

No more concessions

Deep down I want to support unions, but the UAW always makes that difficult. How can you start your negotiating position by saying "I'm never going to give an inch or concede anything." That's not being a negotiator, or a reasonable leader.

I can't be the only one who saw this and thought why would someone be against independent rear suspension.

The more we learn about how old General Motors operated, the more astounding it is that they remained in business for so long, let alone as the world's largest automaker. .

If the Taco Bell from Meridian, Idaho isn't on that list, I'm going to be pissed.

trolls be trolling... keep your chin up buddy, i can see you have no idea what you are talking about...

I hate people who get married on Holiday weekends like Memorial and Labor Day weekends. No, your wedding does not substitute for a mini vacation. Selfish assholes the whole lot.

I only do if I am out in the ocean by myself. At least if I am on an inland waterway and I fall off I have confidence that it will eventually hit something.

Challenge Accepted!

1-Awesome save!

Hint: it's the guy driving on rims.

I still have my cassette copy of Catch-22's demo, 'Rules of the Game'!

I maybe still drunk from last night, I heard this song last night this and the link below seem to always play once a night at my local pub.

Now playing

Duuuuude....RBF totally takes me back to the summer of 2000 and I am still totally a sucker for punk/ska covers of 80's hits. I present to everyone a bonus Traffic Jams track-

I forgot how great Reel Big Fish is. Thank you. I will now be listening to them all weekend


It is fuel cell. FUEL FUCKING CELL. This is the future.