
Glad there's no offense! Unfortunately, some people cared enough to make enough noise to lead to this story. Are you here as a fan of the movie?

There was definitely a mention of "scissoring" too, which was even noted in this review.

If you really want to know how both things can happen, I'll answer. People can grow to accept, or even become aware of, their sexualities at different times. Heteronormativity socializes us to assume we're straight, which is why people then have to realize/discover they aren't. For a lot of people, that happens in the

If the first trades weren't grabbing you, it might not be your thing. I love the series personally, but also feel like it is sort of stalling for me right now.

I didn't specify POC because I am worried for a variety of minorities, including but not limited to POC. Sorry if it came across as a lecture — it wasn't meant that way — I am just genuinely afraid. I am a minority member, myself.

If you really do think that, if you think it will be better if she wins, please don't sit back. If you think one outcome is better, you can do something to help lead to it- this is definitely an election in which every vote counts. This election is so big and will have a definite impact on minorities of all kinds, so

I feel like there are other tough females, both physically, like Brienne and Arya, and as rulers, like the Tyrell women and Danerys (who you also mentioned), plus Sansa has been utilizing a different type of power recently. The Sand Snakes grabbed power in Dorne — they are powerful women in multiple ways. Yara is

I dunno, I don't see it as objectification. It was played so casually and I mean, why not? There are no other lesbians in universe and there are plenty of characters. Plus, it looks like she is making a grab for power, but she certainly hasn't succeeded yet. I would not be surprised if she ends up dying, to be honest.

If anything, this show is focused on realism. It's why we had to slog through that season where everyone was dying of dysentery.

Isn't she the only one, though? I don't really think she's the only powerful woman on the show, either. And it doesn't seem like it is an important/big part of her character at all, which is nice.

NY is technically covered. Would that just be other little teams and outliers also trying to take down Samaritan? Completely unaware of the attempts in the origin series? The Machine tends to keep things within a perimeter, with some exceptions…

Definitely. For, in all likelihood, limiting what was allowed in terms of on-screen affection, and for giving the season a half order, which rushes and condenses things.

Oh my gosh, very true! "Genre" shows in general tend to miss out. Unless, of course, they're Game of Thrones, which has the benefit of airing on HBO and being immensely popular.

I feel like maybe it isn't taken seriously because it was built on a procedural model? I would say being on CBS might not help, but the Good Wife faired just fine. At any rate, I agree. Criminal.

Of course! I hope I didn't come across as calling this an outrage or ignoring Root as a character. This, dying for the cause, was definitely what her specific character had been building to— way before sexuality was brought into the picture. I also have faith that it is going to impact the endgame.

Really, if I had any suggestion, it might be incorporating more minorities/queer characters into comedies/family dramas/shows with lower death rates, haha, as well as still having them on shows where everyone is in danger. And in more main character roles overall. I think that is something that is slowly starting to

Root's a great character, and I feel lucky to have had her. I'm not wishing for a world in which she would have been written as straight. I'm saying we should open ourselves to being understanding to people who are upset by this death, or really, this TV landscape. It is part of a trend, unfortunately, despite being

Honestly, I'd been fearing she wasn't long for this world when that voiceover happened. I remember there was lots of discussion/speculation regarding whether it was actually Root or just the Machine using her voice, what it meant for the team, and the specifics of who she was addressing. Really well played by the

Would have been nice to have one whole episode of them together before Root's death. Or maybe, I dunno, a real, non-sim, non-shock-to-push-you-to-safety kiss.

What a shame. And with the way they seem to be handling this finale, looks like there isn't much expectation of being picked up somewhere else. POI is going out guns blazing.