
If this keeps up, who's going to take care of Bear?!

I get what you're saying, and I actually think Root's death was telegraphed this episode and foreshadowed well since at least season 3 (that didn't make me any less devastated when it happened though, especially since she died alone and we didn't see it happen and then it was just her corpse— my heart!).

Yeah, seems like genre shows tend to cast a more diverse net? Would be worth looking into. Plus, lesbian characters are generally not "main" but supporting, and therefor more expendable while still granting a shocking/important death.

Hmm, I dunno. Obviously nobody should be bulletproof, and the rate of TV death is certainly going up, but women/people of color/lgbtq characters do have a harder time staying alive. For example, in this current season, 10% of TV deaths have been queer women specifically, which is surprising considering what a small

I don't think Cersei wanted Ned dead — she also recognized that as a bad idea. It was Joffrey that decided to kill Ned. Cersei has definitely been shown to be dismal at long-term planning, though. All her moves are very short term.

I think it made sense too.

Ahh, totally thought I replied already!

I wasn't trying to suggest art should be censored. I do have my own opinions on responsibilities within art/of the artist, but I know these are just my opinions. I certainly think it is important for art to explore all that it can, though.

Yeah, I'd definitely agree with that. I was just connecting it with things that happen in the real world.

I think part of the issue is not only that our culture uses rape as a tool, often helping drive a man's story line, but also that the way rape is used and normalized could actually affect people in the real world because it becomes a part of "rape culture", and even though we aren't trying to promote rape, it's easy

Yes, but one of these things happens way more often than the other. And the people it happens to are around to be traumatized by its influence afterwards. Also, victims are often prone to suicide.

I thought Doreen made more sense than Sergio. It's been established that Doreen and Julia have worked together and Doreen thought highly of her but Sergio was just another person on the team. Sergio is pretty much connected to everyone except Julia plot-wise!

Yesss! Didn't realize that Steven Universe was being discussed in the Adventure Time threads but it makes sense. And I like it.

Loving the Bammer's voice work. Recently rewatched Freak City and she's great in that one, too.

I know you're being funny with it, but I really do appreciate that you edited your comment for those who haven't seen eps 2 and 3. Especially since your comment shows up first, it makes a big difference to those of us who let TV control our lives! So I wanted to say thanks and tip my hat. Also, totally agree on the

I enjoy plenty of the episodes he writes just fine; what bothers me about him lies more in what he says in interviews and how he continually writes certain characters. Also, and I know this isn't just on Moffat, I'm not a fan of queerbaiting. That being said, despite how over-stylized I found this episode, I enjoyed

So true! I thought of it as beautiful bitchery but poetic cattiness is better. What translation did you read?

If there is a lesbian version of Grindr, I do not know of it. Stuck with OKCupid at the moment.
Also, sorry to butt in, but on the subject of Tale of Genji… have either of you read The Pillow Book? Love the rivalry between those two authors.

I initially gave it a shot because Sarah Haskins is behind it and her Target Women videos are fantastic. But yeah, I like it!

I'll hang around for Trophy Wife, but man, I do miss Happy Endings and B in Apartment 23.