
The dialogue seemed "off" to me. Too modern. And Cersei's lack of mourning was bizarre. I thought her love for her children was the one thing that elevated her from being a cartoonish evil queen.

Season 1 is alright, but I found it hard to get through. Seasons 2 and 3 are incredible.

The second and third seasons are much better. In case ten other people haven't already responded to say the same thing.

Ah, didn’t know that. But I still think the kid looks more like a young Bob than a young Cooper.

The kid appeared to be hispanic, which automatically made me think Bob.

I think you’re stretching it quite a bit. The exterior zoom toward the mushroom cloud itself was visually arresting. The stuff inside the cloud was a bit Kubrickian, but could just as easily be called an homage. Then there was the ocean, the tower, the convenience store, the small town, the radio station and the

I think it can be both. It works on multiple levels.

Rape and the invention of nuclear weapons are both human moral failings. No one is getting off the hook here. The demons are metaphorical/symbolic/artistic representations.

And it makes sense that she therefore developed a "nicer story" in her mind, where they were happily going on with their lives, with a new mom, and better off without her. And she then subsequently resigned herself to a lonely, reclusive life in the Outback. Which is a sad and bleak interpretation, but makes her

Or they just were incinerated..

The prequels were better than The Force Awakens, and I didn't even hate TFA. They had *some* of Lucas's imagination and weirdness that made the original trilogy great (Phantom Menace especially). TFA was entertaining but unoriginal. Rogue One was better.

Is supporting Obama the only thing I mentioned? Or is it part of a larger pattern of things which I listed?

You tell me. Do O'Reilly and Stossel ensure that a significant portion of their guests are always people of color? Do O'Reilly and Stossel regularly advocate for Black Lives Matter? Did either of them donate $1m to Obama's campaign at a crucial moment where he was building momentum?


Have you ever watched Bill Maher? What leads you to believe he'd be happy to see Muslims get bombed? Your characterization of his views is ridiculous.

That's simply not true. Maher usually talks about Islamic countries and their politics and human rights records. At most, he talks about polls in Islamic countries.

Maher hasn't made the simplistic argument that religion is evil. He simply doesn't think religious beliefs are a valid excuse for infringing on other people's rights. He's gone after American Christians for ignoring global warming (because Jesus will fix it) in the same way he has criticized large parts of the Islamic

Can you point out where Maher has ever said what you just said? "Damn judging individuals as individuals" etc.? He has pointed out that the Islamic world, generally speaking, is behind on human rights and that it's a global problem. He has (stupidly, in my opinion) criticized the left for refusing to acknowledge the

"An entitled white dude who doesn't have an ounce of empathy for anyone who isn't a rich white dude."

He regularly uses his show as a platform for strong black voices and Black Lives Matter. At worst, he is a problematic ally to the black community. His stance on Islam is more complicated. As best I can tell, he's very annoyed by false equivalencies, which is not an invalid view. His stance on terrorism seems naive