Really? That's a pretty reductive argument.
Really? That's a pretty reductive argument.
Yeah I'm perfectly willing to stand by Maher. He's been an advocate of Black Lives Matter and always has strong voices of color on his panel. His dumb choice of words doesn't change that.
I like Bill Maher. He's smug and obnoxious and he made an idiotic comment, but he isn't racist.
Really? I had no idea he killed himself. I wasn't raised in a religious family and have never been interested in religious stories.
Really though? I feel like that's the stereotype, but if you actually watch her show or her specials they're a lot more sophisticated than that.
I had no idea he wasn't American, so there you go. I thought he just had an annoying, folksy accent (as some people do).
Are you talking about the mystery cloud of 536? Or is this some other historical reference I'm not getting?
I was thinking the same thing. She was on the verge of giving up on her (crazy) beliefs in despair, but he jumped in to reinforce the craziness, and that's how faith works sometimes. I too was reminded of the cold open for the season. Even when the plot seems to meander, this show is laser focused on its themes.
Well yeah but the show writers obviously had the metaphor in mind. It's just hardware (your body); the important stuff is up there in the cloud (whatever afterlife they believe the radiation sends them to).
I got the sense that he (Shadow King) was very old, and was fine with playing the very long game to get his revenge and to fully harness David's "worldbreaking" power.
That was kind of silly, but I guess the writers (correctly) assumed that no one wanted to see the details of Adam and Jessa funding an independent film.
She could have conceived in early May, and it could be late October at this point. Pretty sure October can be warm in NYC (we had mid-70s in November in Detroit this year, so why not??) Trees don't lose their leaves until November in Manhattan. It works if you stretch it.
My favorite things about this show were Sarah Silverman and all the random shout-outs to Canadian cities. It got much better in its second half and I'm looking forward to a season 2.
It's actually okay to notice how other people look when they're not in nightclubs. The problem is when people behave disrespectfully. I didn't really get that vibe from Ed, he seemed pretty restrained. I think viewers got a 'creepy' vibe from him because he was awkward, and because many TV viewers had no idea who the…
I thought the implication was that getting caught in a lie could make matters much worse for all of them legally (and especially the one who actually did it).
This is the best idea. Same actresses, different roles.
I love the characters and would absolutely watch a second season, but I'd also be trepidatious because…what next? Other than a really boring, drawn out investigation?
And where they *did* include some humor (the Greek chorus of interviewees) it was always kind of jarring and out of place.
Though people constantly bitch and whine about "event fatigue" online, events are what drive the biggest numbers for Marvel and D.C. And two recent events — Secret Wars and Rebirth — have been some of the best line-wide crossovers in recent memory (if not ever). The problem isn't events, it's bad writing (cough,…
"My problem with it is that it's not entirely clear what the viewer is supposed to think about the film project."
I think that ambiguity is intentional. If anything I think the writers are suggesting that the film is kinda bad, but also an honest expression of Adam's pathos re. Hannah.