Actually these are my exact feelings and views. No quarrel here, friend.
Actually these are my exact feelings and views. No quarrel here, friend.
Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are two of the most perfectly cast actors in any of the movies, and the Duel of the Fates is easily one of the best overall scenes. yeah
Phantom Menace is still bad, TLJ is a masterpiece and the best SW movie since Empire, Rogue One is terrific, TFA is fun enough but leans way too heavily on nostalgia, and Solo...was playing in the adjacent theater when I went to see Infinity War.
Star Wars: Return of the Tardigrades
... so I tied a Smashing Pumpkin to my belt, which was the style at the time...
Congrats to Avril’s doppelganger!
It takes a non thinking person to fail to see that people just want Kanye and by extension Millar to shut their holes because they are saying dumb shit. And the fact the continue to say this shit reveals... They have free speech.
This might not be the hill you want to die on. Kanye wasn’t just “not following in this wave of blind identity politics.” He said slavery was a choice. It’s pretty clear the dude needs to be quiet, because everything out of his mouth is idiotic nonsense.
I wondered if they were gathering data to create synthetic replacements for the rich and powerful people who made use of their parks.
So Delos is selling the visitors’ DNA and behavioural data to Cambridge Analytica right?
For me the weirdest aspect of this whole thing is that the accusation is racial bias for the manager/cops when if you randomly asked a white person sitting in Starbucks for 30 mins without ordering something to leave, they’d leave in 9 out of 10 cases.
It’s completely fair if you’re loitering in a store for an hour and not buying anything to be asked to buy something or leave whether you’re white or black.
Welcome to 2010s outrage culture where everything is a Big Fucking Deal worthy of protests and boycotts.
If you refuse to buy anything, they get to ask you to leave. This is phony outrage.
Let them come. I for one do not make it a habit of hanging out at coffee shops without buying, idk, a coffee or something.
What’s so special about being at work?
The level of hysterical outrage in your post is precious. Which Nazi-apologist speakers are invited onto campuses to talk precisely? Ben Shapiro? Jordan Peterson? Christina Hoff Sommers? Charles Murray? Milo Yiannopolous? Essentially: every goddamn speaker who doesn’t follow your far Left ideological purity test. Case…
Here’s a thought. Are you perfect? Must be nice. Not everyone is a social justice warrior with zero fear. I dgaf about Bush, but this whole he should have stepped up is Monday morning quarterbacking. He isn’t the one who said it, nor has he abused anyone. Just. Stop.