
People have an amazing ability to brush things off when they create cognitive dissonance. She probably assumed she misheard him, or that he had poor eyesight, or was being an idiot, or whatever. It had never even crossed her mind that Bernard might be a host so her mind just didn't go there.

What did Hillary do to turn your dad off? Her economic policies were all focused on the middle and working class.

I don't think "racist" = evil. Most people have some racist ideas without even realizing it. Prejudice is human nature. But we should work to fight against our unconscious biases, because they really are there. I feel like angry conservatives misinterpret liberals all the time. Systemic racism and unconscious bias

Hillary wasn't an awful candidate. She got dragged through the mud unfairly. People keep repeating how awful she is, but there's no basis. The more people repeat baseless accusations that she's a "criminal" or a "terrible person", the more I begin to see the bullshit for what it is. People don't recognize their own

A penis is required in order to pander just the right amount.

Hillary was about the same as Obama. She was a completely average center-right Democrat. She got dragged through the mud because she's a woman.

It was Hillary running actually, not Bill. Easy mistake, I know.

The Electoral College is the problem. All these uneducated backwaters have disproportionate representation. We either need to get rid of this system (won't happen) or set up mini-NYC/LA/SF/Chicago colonies throughout the heartland.

This isn't 1933, thankfully. Or is it again?

Those are not good shows.

Was it really a "reveal" though? Hopefully the reveal will come next week, but I somehow doubt it. Maeve will say something vague and portentous that suggests she's figuring things out, and then she'll get reset or something.

This is feeling less and less like a good show.

I wish this show leaned into the humor a bit more. Watching a marriage dissolve is just kind of depressing. The preview for next week looked fairly funny though, so I'm holding out hope for a bit more levity.

To be fair, most people who would pay $40,000/day for a glorified first-person shooter would be assholes.

Yeah I noticed that too. It's either more meta-commentary on the creation of fictional narratives, or it's a big ol' hint.

And if so, who buried it on her property?

So that was the Voice of God/Arnold telling Dolores to shoot the host, right? If so, it didn't sound like the Man in Black, but it was kind of whispered so it's hard to tell.

Neither AHS or Scream Queens are satire. They are both camp, to varying degrees.

I don't understand how people can genuinely think the writers of AHS are going for anything other than surrealist, creepy camp. I mean…didn't that become obvious with the Name Game dance in season 2, if not earlier?

She was the best part of the series for me.