
I disagree with the idea that Weiss didn't care about justice. When she told Box, "We have more on the kid," we as *viewers* recoiled from the cynicism of the system. But to Weiss, who hasn't seen everything we've seen, it's simply a matter of cold appraisal: there is more evidence against Naz, and thus a higher

But neither Stone or Chandra is experienced with murder cases. They are fumbling around. To me, it's believable that Stone had a lightbulb moment on the eve of the trial. He's already been following leads (i.e. Duane Reade), just not the right one.

And she willingly plays the part.

You're about as reasonable as the average Donald Trump supporter, I see.

Why are the networks so stupidly bone headed and stupid? Why would anyone pay $7 to watch a single network TV channel? Maybe the crew of the Discovery will find some strange planet where consumers find that appealing.

Creepy Kid did something wrong. But if you think violence, bullying and vigilante justice—carried out *against* the express wishes of the victim, no less — were the *right* course of action, you're wrong.

Are those spoilers for the end of the season? I don't really want to know a character's full arc when I'm only three episodes in.

The Music could probably fit on this list somewhere. "The People" came out in 2002 and was big for me in high school. Not sure how it holds up though, because I'm afraid of the nostalgia rush that would be released if I ever dare to revisit it.

Well that's…stupid. But at least they explained it.

That's the thing though. All those characters you love? You love them because of writers and artists and creators who worked to make them great. The Inhumans have been lame in the past, but with Marvel throwing their best talent at them, I don't see why they shouldn't succeed. People are just bitter about the X-Men

Less cynically interpreted, they're trying to make something of the Inhumans—something new and different—instead of constantly returning to the same recurring safe bets (FF, Spider-Man, X-Men, etc.). I see no reason why the Inhumans can't succeed and become interesting in their own rite. They're actually off to a good

I never understood why Storm couldn't just blow the Terrigen Cloud up into the outer atmosphere or something.

Age of Apocalypse is still my favorite X-event. But to be fair, I was 12 or so when it came out.

"this underdrawn issue is little aided by Justin Posner’s decision to color the book in various shades of port wine."

A.V. Club echo chamber does not = "the majority." I'm completely indifferent to them, personally. Dorne seems boring and I'm glad they're speeding through it.

In a sense I agree, but I do think it has something to do with the friendship between Abbi and Ilana. They're supposed to understand each other so perfectly, and yet the part of Abbi that meshes with Trey is exactly the part of Abbi that Ilana would probably never understand. I think that's why Abbi is embarrassed to

I think you're supposed to worry less about who or what you should "root for." Try sitting back and just appreciate the characters for what they are, even when they're hard to like. It can be too much sometimes, but then there are moments of humanity and empathy where I actually feel for them. I love the writing and

"not making a value judgement…i just find it humorous"

I thought the beaver shot was the funniest thing they've done this season. Which is saying a lot considering this has been the most solidly funny season of Girls, imo.

I've stuck with this show since season 1, but I've never gotten super into it. Amanda Peet gives it her all every week, but the rest of the cast is sometimes meh. The pudgy best friend actor guy (see, I can't even remember his name) is especially unconvincing.