dumb witch

you think that’s the outdated word?

for real. there’s a video, why also have that gif front and center?

What do you think would’ve been the response if she had punched him? JW if you’re thinking this through at all.

I’m having a feminine impulse to kick these guys in the nuts.

top notch gif usage right here

Welcome to California

Naw, they’re too busy not raping Hustler centerfolds. The brave, brave dears.

If someone [...] went overboard and said something even resembling force or rape, they were shut down pretty quickly and usually shunned afterwards.

Thank you for being the voice of reason. Jesus fucking Christ, some of these other comments...

I totally ripped off having a butt from you :3

Dude. Women do exist outside of porn, youknow.

seriously, this guy who’s belittling teachers - and you, specifically - in these comments can fuck all the way off. <3 <3

Alyssa not making top 4 is a god damn travesty. It was rigga morris.

You’re gonna need a bigger screen for that projection, bro.

This, tbh. It’s confused the hell out of my mom, who is generally very well meaning. I’m a trans woman and she called me the other day to say that a “guy like me” - Laverne - was cast as “the sexy man” in Rocky Horror. You can’t faceplam hard enough at that shit.

Willem? Girl.

Something tells me you already have a low opinion of feminism, and probably women overall.

I would really like to know what the parents of these fraternity members has to say about this.