dumb witch

god love ‘er

some Black parents want their children’s names to sound non-White

I lose my shit at jackmerius tacktheritrix every time.

this will never not be hilarious

“I’m so glad you don’t look like a malnourished baby, oh wait...”

Paging Dr Slutzsky (my actual physician!)

I think you’ve misread.

and Bernard is a an android built to look exactly like Arnold

Oh, you know, Buenos Aires! In Africa? With all the orgies and cannibalism? That’s classic Buenos Aires!

The unfortunate Hemsworth

I dunno if I’m on board with this theory, but I do like it!

my mediX pen gives me headaches sometimes. an iced bong is much preferred.

nobody will never touch Diamanda Galas. you know this.

because gender essentialism and transphobia are a funny har har joke to these assholes.

fuck this comment, tbh

judging from the heat im taking in another thread

you’re showing your ass with this comment, just fyi

Case in point: how you responded to my original post when you thought I was speaking directly to the trans community.

Yes, well sounds like you’ve got me all summed up.