dumb witch


Please love yourself.

I guess that, as a woman, it’s fucking confounding to hear men say that they had no idea that men acted this way towards us. Or that he must have been drunk. Or that he couldn’t possibly forget that he did this unless he was intoxicated.

“I’m not trying to excuse him but (__insert excuse here__)“

You’re very literally making an excuse for a man, I’m assuming, you know nothing about. What does that say about your character?

If he was that drunk, he couldn’t have consented to that behavior, and has nothing to apologize for.

I’m constantly disappointed by the 25¢ slot machines in the ladies’ room though, which never pay off.

Nah, we’re perpetually on the back burner because cis folks literally just don’t care about our wellbeing :/

Hey. Transphobic policies aren’t OK because you don’t like that specific trans person. JFC, people.

She may call herself trans, but her brain is still firmly planted with her being that conservative dude she’s been for the past 60 years

No, please don’t misgender her for any reason.

Fuck, she is brave and strong :)

I’m a trans woman. I only want to pee and wash my hands. Absolutely no fucks given about your daughters and I’m too shy to poop in public.

I instantly sent it to my Law & Order obsessed mom.

he’s professionally thirsty af

after Warren Beatty’s teenage daughter who was supposedly coming out as transgendered

man, i love this movie

It’s really, really easy for cis people to ignore the abuse of trans women. In every circumstance.

You know this isn’t wholly relevant to this particular story, right? Your meme about politicians refusing to acknowledge the pervasiveness of gun violence loses its meaning here.