her body is military “property” and they punish her for trying to damage their stuff. it’s ludicrous and disgusting.
her body is military “property” and they punish her for trying to damage their stuff. it’s ludicrous and disgusting.
you’re such a gross fucking person
where were you incarcerated ? jw
I’ll tell you about my cat. She has always, deliberately put herself directly into the most pot smoke she can. She seems to really love it and the one and only time I ever attempted to grow any, I had to pull it because she kept getting to it and eating it.
I believe you’re sincere, but that ain’t gonna do shit for me if some dude decides he’s gonna murder a woman for being trans today and I happen to exist in the same city.
Just a quick aside, “transgendered” is transphobic language. We’re transgender, it’s an adjective.
they are expected to escort them back to their home if they’ve had too much and don’t have sober friends with them to do so
Absolutely not. Eric Trump isn’t as smart as Eugene.
that wasn’t a dig at you, it’s just what it is: to think Black girls have jedi magic hair is a perception of Whiteness. it’s the othering of Black folk.
oh, fuck off.
You refuse to answer. Got it, thanks.
Maybe you need to get out more
escaping my household for two entire hours of wonderful women silently reading to themselves sounds fucking awesome, tbh, but only if I can bring a book myself.
i want an all-women reboot of every male-dominated cast ever. mindy kaling can star in all of them too.
sounds like you’ve got some good recipes
just wondering why you had to bring a racial element into a question that had absolutely nothing to do with race.
proof that Whiteness skews your perception:
she earned that cheddar to buy those locks