dumb witch

But thank you for intimating a racial motive for me asking this

Ooh, I thought Hands Clean was about her manager? Either way, gross.

She doesn’t deserve it. But that’s not gonna stop me from chuckling at the jokes at her expense.

Campus police are actual police officers, not hired security. They are law enforcement.

if there’s evidence that the kid actually shot at them

Nah, the headline is fact: the kid was shot and is in critical condition. What the lying pigs say is yet to be verified.

Take a look back at your post. Replace the word ‘police’ with ‘jew’ or ‘muslim’ and you have an incredibly racist and discriminatory post. You’re applying the actions of some to the entire group.

14 year old with a gun usually isn’t out selling cookies.

“Love is a con” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Something tells me that white guy whose instinct is to call the police on a black man declaring that Black Lives Matter ain’t gonna be shit in a fight.

If you’re smoking weed you’re not in any program. Also, you don’t have kids? Good. Sit down and shut up.

“Internet Explorer”... is that like bath salts or krokodil?

Did you skip the actual article? She will be in individual and family counseling as well, but don’t let silly facts stop you from demonizing a woman you don’t know.

Many parents on Jez use Internet Explorer. I bet they’d be surprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.

Looks like you’re assuming I meant something that I didn’t. I was replying to BurnUnit that weed is hardly legal anywhere in the world, and to say “smh america” in this situation is silly.

angie/knives = otp

if his behavior stopped with him smoking a joint, we wouldn’t be hearing about any of this. obviously that’s not the issue.

Weed is still illegal in most countries, dude.

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