
I am so sorry. I do, as well, hope you are in touch with counseling, even though it’s hard and you may not want to. For me, once people start to leave and move on, I was delighted bc I just wanted quiet. Which probably was NOT what I needed. So reach out, take care of yourself. even when it hurts

Ys, I 2nd this!! Need to know, pleasee

This article is BS. It’s about a child, ffs, delete her name. 

This song is what I would write in my Facebook status 8 years ago. I get it.

It will be in my shopping cart just in case.

There are pro-Ted Cruz ads all over Jezebel for me. I wonder if its bc I keep googling “beto ted polls”.

Yes! I love how I feel afterward but that psyching myself up to do it is the worst. I’m a natural procrastinator too, so that doesn’t help.

Oh my god....what the actual fuck. I have another reason for my MIL on why no kids. 

I’m confused by your note on Amber's Instagram bc....that's not kanye? 

“...and I’m from gryffindor...”

Totally doing it already! Texting people links to register to vote 

A Texan here, just saying thank you! I am a ball of anxiety about this election but at the same time SO PUMPED

First of all, I was matron of honor in a wedding EXACTLY like this, only it was 2 years ago. I definitely fought for the princess color dress not costumes! It was a lovely wedding overall. Lots of drunken debauchery.

I love got but I have to agree. Hopefully his wit will make it do. I will be seeing

Over the edge....as in why he committed suicide?

I thought the whole OKsign was a white power sign was a prank?

....marrying 12 years later?

I loved it, but I was an idealistic angsty 16 year old. It was my jam.

Gina is living the best life. I wanna do that with my husband on the beach, hah

Yes, lol haha