
Pretty sure Meghan knew what she was getting herself into. She’s a big girl. She can deal.

I say I was stupid, in myself, my OWN EXPERIENCE NO ONE ELSE. I went off BC bc of circumstances and I wasn’t keeping up with it. I’m happy that others had better experiences than me. I wish I did, but I didn’. Can’t change that. 

That’s very true.....I don’t why I think of it as I got myself pregnant, it takes two! Thank you for your kind words. 

Bc I’m 28 and I STILL don’t honestly know if I want kids or not. I go back and forth, sometimes in the same day. My husband doesn’t either. And that’s ok bc that’s a huge decision. Not all women or men are just dying to have children or adamant against them.

I never said I felt ashamed. I said I felt stupid, relief, and regret (that I got myself in this situation...again MY EXPERIENCE). I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to share my experience, thanks. I am not proud or ashamed of my abortion.

Part of me is proud she is fighting the good fight; part of me cringes at her “thank God for abortions” and “have 20 abortions...we’ll throw a party”. No one person has the same experience when they have an abortion, but mine was not a party. It was relief, yes, but also pain and regret and naivity. Regret that I

Oh god, I’m so sorry. 

Some hero is taking down one pervert foot at a time.

Rhianna is fire and this eyeliner is my next makeup buy.

Wtf, to Weinstein? I didn’t know that. Unless it’s just a blind item....and still false. Gross

Now I’m following her. I actually sometimes wish I could run away o8ke her. I wanna be Tarzan, too

Well, that must be nice.

Consider me SHOOK. love is dead

This is delightful. I want to drink all the red pairings for a movie night I prob won’t remember

We were visiting the city of Alajuela and in a shuttle an older lady said to her friend, if you’re going to visit Costa Rica you should at least try to speak Spanish, in Spanish. I don’t think she knew I understood her. I tried my best to be polite but my limited Spanish obviously didn’t impress her, ha.

It’s where I got married! Truly beautiful country and definitely a place my other and I want to live, someday. Definitely learn Spanish before making the move there; they do not appreciate non-spanish speakers, or people who don’t at least try.

I would go through and journal all your feelings about yourself. Go back and pick out all of the goals you can set for yourself and pick one. Make sure your goal has a condition, time limit, and a way of measurement (“when i wake up in the morning, I will walk for 10 mins for 3 consecutive days” even 3 times a week if

This sounds like a nightmare

THIS. My own mom never had any advice, other than reminiscence of her younger life or punishment if I fucked up and interfered with her life. I never received any motherly advice until marriage which is when I started to just nod politely and ignore her. Too late, don’t care.

That’s frustrating. I’ve bought shampoo there and the pump has been defective. Now I wonder if the product is even accurately advertised (like not replaced with something else)!