Dumbledore Calrissian

Extreme Ghostbusters was pretty embarrassingly late 90s what with a Burger King Kid's Club sense of forced diversity and the weird Nine Inch Nails inspired version of the theme song and that godawful name, but once you got past that there were some pretty good, enjoyably weird and creepy episodes. You had stuff like

She's not Hannah Montana anymore you guys! She's, like, a grown up and stuff!

There were no survivors…

I remember a Charlie Brooker episode where he had the two idiot characters (Barry Shitpeas and Philomena Cunk) remark that Broadchurch was a "Doctor Who spinoff, like Torchwood, only for adults."

I'm pretty sure the main character in Avatar was just a special effect, like Gollum or Jar Jar or Tilda Swinton.

It was Stuart Townsed, who I only know as Lestat in Queen of the Damned and Dorian Grey from "League of Extraordinary Gentleman." Based on those two movies, I am confident in saying he would have been terrible for the part and Mortensen was a godsend.

And all this time, I've been smoking harmless tobacco!

I remember an SNL sketch with Jack Black as a hard hitting investigative journalist for High Times.

And Sonic insisted on calling Dr. Robotnik "Dr. Ro-BUTT-nik!" and even when I was seven I thought, "okay Sonic, you're trying just a little too hard here."

It was the height of Urklemania after all.

In my limited observations, the big question isn't whether or not to be sexually fixated on the Sonic characters, it is whether or not you are for or against that one game where Sonic turned into a werewolf/werehog.

S For Sonnica?

The Ninja Turtles were obsessed with pizza, so I guess they thought Sonic needed a junk food obsession in lieu of a personality too.

That's so stupid! I mean, I own them, but they're on a really high shelf!

And he was right though too - they started the relationship with one foot out the door.

I did see the ad that was like "Imagine, the nation's most desirable FBI agents, in the best shape of their lives…." that really drove home the point that these shows are pornography for a certain segment of viewers.

The Wire had cop-looking cops, since the cast was all veteran character actors and people taken right from the streets of Baltimore. They were all mostly appropriately palooka-esque.

Let's not forget his formative relationship with Nikki, who was doing things you can't do on Fox with a magazine.