Dumbledore Calrissian

Heavy Trash's debut album because of the art by future Batman Year 100 and Battling Boy artist Paul Pope.

I know, he needs to share the results of his Bing search on a secret criminal organization with the rest of the group!

When Thea was in the rafters at the train station, and Lance comes out with a megaphone, I wanted hi to use it to say "Thea Queen! Get down from there! I know that's you,Thea!"

Wakandan vibranium, not Savage Land vibranium.

It's a contraction, not a possessive.

In the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen world, Dean Moriarty was the grandson of Professor Moriarty.

Well, they're thinking of adding an exclamation point after the second and.

Halloween is honestly one of the best horror movies ever made.

The jump scare at the end came when the film makers wanted an extra button at the end, and Tom Savini suggested copying the jump scare at the end of Carrie.

And as bad as the first one is, it is the only one with any actual suspense.

I loved that the dog was the most competent member of the family in The Hills Have Eyes. And Craven and company have admitted that it ended so abruptly because they ran out of money.

No you guys, the Doctor is totally dead for real this time! Bold move to kill off the main character three episodes into a new season! He's totally dead for real!

I liked that the smug douche in Voyage of the Damned was just a smug douche all the way through, and just went off on his way. But you know what, saving a life is still saving a life.

Just once, when people ask "What are you doing here?!" (the most used phrase in Doctor Who history) I just want him to say "I'm a time travelling alien named The Doctor, and I'm here to help you." because really, when you are dealing with rampaging ghosts and aliens and monsters, is that really that hard to wrap your

It is a funny joke and appropriate for this portrayal of the character, but it is weird that this is the same character that two actors ago was all "I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so so sorry." and cried all the time.

And of course, Fury as Holt.

"Oh, I've been called a greasy thug too, and it never stopped hurting. So here's what we do - we grease ourselves up real good and smash her car with a baseball bat!"

I think they took The Exorcist and Nightmare on Elm St. off on the first day of October. Dummies.

That Mary Celeste is sexy and mysterious.

Yeah, but Netflix also has The Omen 3 and Vampire in Brooklyn, and uh…Children of the Corn 3. Who needs Alien, Psycho or Dawn of the Dead when you have those classics?!