Dumbest Smart Kid You Know

Have to disagree... The

Yea, but can you imagine the rent Snyder will charge him for living in the abandoned nosebleeds of FedEx Field?

“See, the thing is, the reason you want to drain the swamp is, once you get enough of that murky brown gathered on the tarp, you can really take a nice long mud bath. It’s good for the skin, keeps mosquitoes away, and provides ample camouflage so shop owners don’t take their brooms to shoo you away from their

He’ll receive two paychecks because he also drives the team bus.

All the cardboard left behind at last weekend’s March for Women will really reinforce one’s makeshift siding in the storage locker apartment.

Washington football: the open boxcar of the NFL.

“Spoken like a true asshole!” ~ Chubbs Peterson

HIS MOTHER IS AN AMERICAN YOU FUCKING DOLT. Nobody gave a fuck McCain was born in Panama but somehow a black man is questioned because? He didn’t grow up exclusively in America?

Another case where an unexpected victory was won against a strong adversary (with foreign assistance).

Disagree. I just watched it the other day. The jokes, the timing, the villain, all infinitesimally superior to anything I’ve seen him write since.

Made me think of the old Preventative Maintenance comics when I was in the Army. These would be laying around in motor pools and armories and they were made for literacy-challenged troops, featuring talking trucks, tanks, etc.

Man, I remember growing up, all the asshole kids would demand apologies from me. Really traumatizing.

Late last year I was sitting at a bar in the Jacksonville airport. An old man sat down on the stool next to me, and proclaimed/asked, “I don’t drink, can I get a diet coke?” I was down a few large beers at the time and gave into him wanting to strike up a conversation. ESPN was on TV, and he kept interjecting with

He cut it off at the shoulders because young Rovell is ROCK HARD in that picture.

Dealing with grief is a 12-step process. Fortunately, Westbrook took 5 whole steps tonight.

Wait, are YOU subtly trolling US?

It’s a Panda...

+1 meaty forehead

“Old man doesn’t understand how voting works, wants someone to tell him how to feel about things: The story of the 2016 Election.”