Dumbest Smart Kid You Know

It would appear that quite a few people have completely misinterpreted what you’re getting at here. I enjoyed it and am decidedly with LeBron on this. You can offer comfort and support, but you can never truly know what it is like to be another person and be inside their head. Or if anyone else is truly conscious for

Hue Jackson was quoted as saying, “Weed love to have him. He hasn’t gained an ounce Since his suspension and has been jumping to get back in this joint. He is going to smoke, or maybe even vaporize defenders with his blazing speed and I can’t wait to welcome him off the cannibus when he arrives.”

Heavy PEDing.

Hot take: Shove taking place within the context of a basketball play where the shover gets called for a foul for said act, is fine. Shove taking place after the whistle, where the shover gets a running start to exact revenge for a harder than necessary foul that was already penalized within the rules of the game, is

If only all UCLA’s players could overcome their parents.

National League is just jealous that they don’t get a fat guy to hit dongs for them. The DH is, has always been, and will always be, better than the pitcher batting.

Jesus Christ, what year is it to people in Kansas?


There is an old partner at a law firm who went to UNC who will stumble across the shirt. He will find it hilarious. The old partner will the show the shirt to some poor schmuck associate who will be forced to pretend that the shirt is funny and clever. That schmuck will force a laugh out. The old partner will show

I know the Rockets are chic right now, but I still can’t enjoy them. Harden’s maddening–but effective!–game is the chief reason.

I remember “Socks on the Run.” It was a 1974 hit song by Fweet.

you seem fun.

Hey now....

Man, what can’t Gary Shandling do?

I’ve always been amazed at how poorly this organization streams its content. They seem like they’re aware people consume this content in different ways, but have show no way to actually provide different avenues. 2 years ago it was nearly impossible to stream the Football semi-finals. I was struggling with streaming

When Darren Rovell comes begging you guys for a job, can you please require him as a condition of his employment that he respond to every single comment on his posts?

Maybe read the comment and take a quiet moment to digest things like “the gif showed up on the front page” before responding?

Scoot Raab has turned being a hateful bitch into a cottage industry. I’d bet money he has talked about these guys not “playing the game the right way” more than once.

“Damnit, Depodesta!”

Have pussy, can confirm.