+ 30 yards off the line of scrimmage
+ 30 yards off the line of scrimmage
+10 mg
This is one of those few moments in Brown’s fandom we should be commending their incompetence. Can you imagine taking on Cincy’s shit backup and then losing to Cincy with him under center?
Can we all take a moment to appreciate the fine camera work? Great framing, steady, stayed with the action. And not once did he/she turn the camera on themselves for some internet fame of their own! Clearly they understood machete vs can were the real stars.
That was enthralling. I laughed when the stupid humans tried corralling them alone, was fearful when that truck got close to hitting them, cheered when white came back to find black, and was amazed a dude fucking lassoed a (likely very tired) llama.
True, but the quote at the end of the article came from the on court post game interview with their sideline reporter. So they did address it.
You must be one of those people that thought WWI was Great. Sorry you didn’t enjoy WWII, maybe you were just in the wrong theater.
Find a pair of slacks that don’t make his ass look fat, apparently.
Do yourself a favor and listen to his pod with KD from a few weeks ago. Bill actually lets him talk without the usual cutoffs and interruptions. It’s really great.
Are you telling him he that situation isn’t unnerving? That isn’t really up to you.
Understated, yet so good.
That would a better phrase, for all involved.
Maybe if you succeed you can make it on the front page of another one of our bookmarked sites. Keep us posted.
I hope you have recovered from your fake heart attack.
Holy shit. I didn’t think I would ever say this about a freaking president, but I wish our “leader” showed the same awareness that Tony Fucking Soprano does in that episode. I need a drink.
Only this time, we all got the warped one.
That’s the baddest motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my life!
Much like this idiot’s wardrobe, it does.
The ref called the tech just so he had the first chance to lock down plans with him.