
I agree. That’s one of the reasons Sandman has been so hard to adapt, historically. It starts as a quirky but mostly superhero-y book in the Hellblazer mold and then it takes a hard left into surreal fantasy and dark magical realism land. You know, into Neil Gaiman stuff.

Well, in this context “more” as of yesterday was... five bucks, I think, on GoG? Even if this is a dud that’s not too bad for the bundle with the other versions.

The first volume of the comic, when it was more integrated in the DC universe, does have a coherent plot where Dream is mostly just on a fetch quest to get his stuff back.

Ah, we’re getting to round 2 on “you don’t understand how logic or human beings work”.

Who the hell said we were talking exclusively about digital media? Are you ignoring big parts of the conversation because you have no valid arguments for them again? This was about subscriptions eroding ownership. That goes primarily for physical media and secondarily for the half-step, weird not-quite-ownership that

Hey, you pick the analogous piece of property where people deciding to cut back on owning it means they are tacitly endorsing the removal of the ability to own it and the rescission of their ongoing ownership. I’ll wait.

It does clear one thing up, yeah.

Ah, the exact same (absurd) statement as your first post. If we’re taking it from the top try to at least keep the broken logic to a minimum this time.

Oh, don’t worry, I stopped taking you seriously when you argued that people don’t care about owning things.

Always attack, never defend! We be the forum troll, willing to go on the offensive right over a cliff edge!

First of all, I’m glad that you thought this whole bit I did wrecked your argument so thoroughly you were gonna co-opt it. Imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery. You’re welcome. I mean, you still seem to be under the incorrect impression that you’re on the offensive here, which is a bit cringeworthy, but

Ah, so the way we’re solving your refusal to address the point that you actively ignored console platforms to (mostly in your head) make it seem more like Skyrim isn’t comparable to Steam MMOs is by adding yet another fallacy.

No, the reason I omitted Lost Ark is that it’s a free to play game from an altogether different genre (although they do throw “MMO” around a lot in marketing, despite the obvious mismatch).

Hah. First of all, no, it wouldn’t. Including the free to play Diablo clone that is in no way comparable merely would have pushed Skyrim from the second on that list to the third. The point still stands just fine with it in there. But no, I did not “intentionally lie”, I looked at how many comparable MMOs were on that

Oh, you just now got around to checking the numbers I gave you and noticed Lost Ark? Wow, you are really just making this crap up as you go along, huh? Well, at least you’re now looking at actual numbers instead of just making it up, so... progress?

Stop deflecting. You made up that “logic”. I could have said “Skyrim was primarily a console game, so you have to assume most players are on consoles”. If we’re making up things and claiming they’re “logic” I can also do that. Elephants are large, hence Skyrim has most players on Xbox 360. You have no data on the

Squirm, squirm.

We are absolutely talking about consoles here. Why wouldn’t we be? We’re talking about engagement numbers. I have it on good authority that people play games on consoles.

Really? Because I find the two rails on a square grid in Spacechem much easier to handle than the hexagonal stuff in Opus Magnum or the 3D stuff in Infinifactory. Different intuitions, I guess.

Skyrim is on Steam, the MS store, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, XBox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.