
It is a pretty nice game, I suppose. Never mind me.

That number can’t be right. Is it? It can’t be.

You’re not wrong there. The correct equivalent would have been the printing press. Which, as the other guy said above, did not send scribes into unemployment, it democratized reading and writing.

I swear, Twitch news in general just feel like the worst workplace sitcom ever. Or soap opera. Can’t really tell.

Yeah. And artists who know infinitely more than me tend to agree, also. Turns out it’s really early into this tech and people still don’t have a grasp on it. Which is fine. It’s gonna take a little while to figure out what this is good for and how to use it properly.

Hah. You’re not wrong. About either of those two things.

Of course if they had just created art for a silly tiny jigsaw game we wouldn’t be talking about it here.

I hate everything about this piece, including the notion that this is somehow the start of a trend. The lack of attention outside of trying to turn it into a controversy is nothing but a confirmation of the rather obvious fact that just throwing AI assets at a bad game won’t do anything for you.

It’s an idea you characterized as “protestant work ethic in this country”, but I am seemingly infected with it in another culture and country? Look, I’m the first to complain about anglocentrism and US cultural imperialism, but you’re giving yourselves way too much credit. We’re out here debating four day work week,

Right? Besides the security aspect of this and the potential for the leaker having more than just a running build this says so much more about the audience than the game. Even the “maybe this is fake” angle is so bizarre, considering how hard and pointless it would be to accurately depict all the work in progress

I mean... I’m not and have never been Protestant and I’m not American, so you’re not doing great in your assumptions there.

Does the cord generate its own electricity without a generator or fuel? Holy crap, forget the risks, where can I get this 20 dollar perpetual motion machine?

I have to say, the amount of people in this thread thinking you’d backfeed an emergency portable battery instead of, you know, putting the silent, emissions-free cube next to the thing you want running and just plugging it into the full sized sockets on the battery tells you a LOT about how much a bunch of this is

I’m not sure what you’re asking. Do you think that plugging a generator into an outlet with a male to male prong during a blackout and feeding solar-generated power back into the grid are the same thing? Or did you misunderstand my comment and think that’s what I’m saying?

I’d... plug them into the battery? Which typically includes multiple full sized outlets?

Gas is not that price where I live, first of all.

That is actually the opposite of saber-rattling. Ensuring the Chinese and US economies are heavily inter-dependent may be the only thing that prevents an escalation in either Eastern Europe or the Asian Pacific.

That’s insane, but yeah, I agree, if that’s an option you probably want a proper energy co-generation alternative and an installation that will support it, be it solar or otherwise.

Frankly, I am with you in that if that’s a possibility I would also look into going off grid, or at least to a setup that can go off grid most of the day, be it with solar power, other cogeneration tools or a combination of all of the above.

If your concern is blackouts longer than 5 hours what you want is a permanent solar installation instead.