
Not a factor, since the reference single player comparison point is also not a Steam exclusive. There is no reason to assume that the players of FFXIV, ESO or BSO outside Steam are a different percentage than the non-Steam players of Skyrim.

You stated that two of the top four MMOs in the market are “not hugely successful”. This is by definition factually incorrect, yes?

Oh my. New World is definitely not considered to be hugely successful by anyone who actually understands the costs involved with maintaining a live service game. It had a great launch but being a live service game, 15k average concurrent players is not enough to offset the costs required to continually produce new

Okay, so since you can’t retain information for more than one post at a time and your weird pretzel logic makes arbitrary connections between unrelated facts we’re gonna have to compartimentalize. Starting now I’m going to just choose one falsehood you present and just debunk that. We don’t move on until you

Oh, my word. Are you an AI chatbot? Is that why you have zero permanence for what came before in conversation?

For all the posturing you do about providing (bad) data your posts are full of assumptions about what people care about based on your own biases.

No, a small percentage of revenue coming from the service doesn’t necessarily mean only a small percentage of users engaged with the service. If 10% of the revenue came from it that could mean that 10% of users spent all their money on the service or that 100% of users spent 10% of their money on it. Not only do you

So other than you seem to feel it vaguely confirms your biases, why would there be a relationship between how much money those services made Nintendo and them shutting down the store service for them once that revenue went down to zero?

WiiWare and DSiWare were not alternate distribution methods for the same games you got on physical boxes. They were separate services with exclusive games. It’s not like Nintendo pulled the plug on a fraction of the copies of those games in the wild, they delisted all of them from the only service they were ever on.

You really are big into assuming that well established previous patterns won’t happen again, huh? Like, Nintendo has been growing its online presence and gotten very little backlash for removing previous support and effectively forcing you to pay again for the same games on every platform. What exactly is there to

I think you’re gonna be disappointed there. This entire series is predicated on the whole “single player MMO” concept. They’re not gonna make it into a tight single player 20 hour run.

So it’s a Xenoblade Chronicles game, then? Cool, I’m in.

Nintendo digital software sales are 42% of their total software sales in FY22 according to their financial reports for the year. Nintendo’s online subscription payers are 32 million, and each subscription supports up to 8 accounts. I had actually sourced this but the links got Kinja’d, so you can take my word for it

Yeah, well, hate to break it to you, but Nintendo’s “antiquated” online policies are the default online policies for literally hundreds of millions of players. You don’t get to ignore them just because you think there are better alternatives. “Most” console players play on Nintendo consoles, since that seems to be

How is Nintendo not representative? The Wii is the best selling console of its generation. The DS is the best selling portable console ever, the second best selling console in history. Nintendo has made 3 out of the 5 best selling consoles ever and their current, online-connected cosnole is number 5. If there is an

Oh, sorry, the Wii store. Yes, plenty of stuff, if you want to purchase it now. The Wii and the DSiWare stores got shut down and both of those were packed full of smaller exclusive titles. Since they were generally digital exclusives on the platform you just can’t buy those anymore. Here’s a partial list for the Wii

No, hold on, I didn’t ask for a hypothetical scenario that is the opposite of reality. I asked for the scenario you are presenting. If you say “this doesn’t matter because a certain about of people don’t care” you must know what amount of people caring is important. It’s not my scenario, it’s yours.

You tell me what this is supposed to prove. It’s enough to reverse whatever it is that you think the current situation is. You seemed to be saying that the reason ownership doesn’t matter is that “most people” don’t care about it, which you deduce from people not actively playing older games as much as the week they

Sure, four months later but still in 1997, if only just.

You are working super hard to not answer my question.