
Wow, you’re right, I hadn’t even thought of that. If he had sprung a leak due to the solder not being spread right or whatever there’s just no way to fix it. I guess he could have tried to epoxy over the leak, but you’re certainly not splitting those up again unless you have what? Like a pizza oven?

Right, that’s kind of what I meant. He just put a bunch of solder all the way around the loop bit and *chucked the entire thing in an oven*. Again, I suppose there’s no reason that wouldn’t work if the oven gets hot enough. There are no parts to get heat-damaged, it’s just three chunks of copper. I just... wouldn’t

You didn’t answer the question, you just presented a hypothetical, anecdotal example you don’t think is enough. Alright, so 10% of players isn’t it (by the way, that’s not what DAUs dropping to 10% of peak means, but we’ll come back to that eventually, I’m sure).

I’m just surprised that milling the channels and then putting a bunch of solder between the layers and chucking them in the oven is enough to not just solder them together but to make them airtight.

Yeah, but in fairness “I made a liquid cooled PS5 using a water loop carved in copper the size of the whole motherboard” is actually even more interesting if you know why it’s interesting and “I made a slim PS5" is gonna get some normies through the door and a spot on Kotaku, so good job on both the promotion and the

You keep saying “most people” and dodging the questions.

No, you’re doing it again. “A minority”, “the smaller of two percentages” and “an insignificant amount” aren’t the same thing.

No, I hate when you use the term “majority” because you’re using it wrong. Not only are you sticking with a term that just means “more of one thing than another” as if the smaller of the two quantities was irrelevant, you’re pulling the “majority” bit from your arse because you’re just saying things you think

I’m making claims about trends based on actual data. You’re making unsubstantiated claims of normalcy for trends that have not been reversed just because they don’t dominate the space yet.

Your obsessions with the “majority” is super weird. 49% of things suffering from a problem is still a big problem. What the “majority” is is not particularly relevant, especially in trends that act for a long period of time and continue to evolve.

Yes, it matters. Big quantitative changes are qualitative changes. Less ownership erodes ownership even if some ownership still exists.

No, we’re not comparing subscriptions to house fires, we’re presenting the concept of inductive reasoning, by giving an example of a repeating pattern where given similar circurmstances we start to consider a similar outcome more likely. You know, like “every time subscription services become very successful in a

Ah, yes, that wonderful epistemological approach. This electrical heater has set the house of my five neighbors on fire, but I’m pretty sure it’s safe because my house isn’t on fire.

Industry revenue being a relevant metric regarding whether subs are bad for the industry is gonna depend on how you think of the “industry”. It’s certainly great for Microsoft and probably Sony at some point. I don’t particularly care about Sony and Microsoft. I care about the devs and the audiences.

Yeah, no, impact on total industry revenue is not the relevant metric here because the subscription provider is part of the industry. People giving MS more money for their subscription doesn’t mean that more money is being funnelled to “content creators”. For that you would need a specific breakdown that simply

See, you’re asking if I have any data to support the claim that subscriptions erode ownership, but I know you know I do because you double posted (and are, as warned being ignored) on exactly that.

I mean... yes, I can. Watch me.

Dude no. No. Stop responding to my responses to other people. Especially if you’re just going to say the same stupid “it’s like renting” argument and add nothing. It’s maddening enough to try to keep up with your weird parallel reality, I’m not having the same conversation with you seven times at once. I’m responding

No, you wouldn’t.

No, I know these things ahead of time. That’s how I know it sucks.