
Are there any confirmed to be headed to Verizon in the near future? I'm almost due for a contract renewal/upgrade and would hate to have to resort to the Trophy if there's something bigger and better that's actually on the horizon...

Just to be pedantic...unless you're in Massachusetts, this isn't necessarily the law of the land for you, and (depending on what law holds true where you are) the officer could be well within his or her enforcement rights to tear up your foreign precedent and arrest you if their local laws prohibit videotaping police

...the man? It's the man, isn't it?

this site has some pretty extensive information: slickdeals (dot) net/forums/showthread (dot) php?t=3220862#edit41815736

Agreed....tomorrows GMA..."There's this new website called 'I can have cheeseburgers' where users submit pictures of their cats in wacky poses and hire psychics to translate their cats' thoughts into captions...here are some of our favorites..."

Yep, can't do it in real life....I call shenanigans.

Yep...doesn't work in real life because pulling that tile out of the shadow changes its color.

The article does qualify it with "might" be wrong, making it (pedantically) factually accurate because I suppose the prevailing view could be disproved at some point...but I do agree that its a shame that so many businesses rely on the reader's instant impression when reading a headline, to generate more page views

See: reflection on monitor at 0:15 mark...I'm calling shenanigans.

I think you go a step too far...I would edit your (1) to read: "Shows that otherwise deserving apps may never reach your lists because of unprofessionalism by the developers in the promotion of the app, unrelated to the substantive merit of the app itself."

I hope that Android modifies their generic app store so that you can sort reviews by particular categories (phone type being a big one) for this reason. It's tough being a user with an old phone, still running Android 1.8 on the Droid Eris I believe (my two year contract renewal is only weeks away!), and having to

Good = instant malaria cure.

Jump around!

The safest way for RIM to assist (from a PR prospective) would be as they would in a normal prosecution...(assuming that UK laws are somewhat analogous to US laws in this regard) they can provide the BBM data for individuals who are charged, after a court order is given to release the data, and the police/prosecution

Maybe...but my impression is that these snippets of DNA may be preserved in meteorite because they are ice-filled, whereas the early formation of the Earth as a molten ball of fire may have destroyed whatever DNA particulate that was here from the individual space rocks that swirled together to form the Earth....so

@ meatbag

Or...they'll run around around Congress blaming eachother, one party wanting spending cuts and the other wanting tax increases, and nothing will happen until all three major legislative branches (H of Reps, Senate, Prez) are held by the same party, or until we near the next debt limit in about 2 years.

"If these blades give him and advantage he would have qualified back in 2008, so since he hasn't been able to qualify easily I'd bet he's on par with any other able bodied athlete."

Looks like it says "Assemeaded in USA" which is even more worrisome!

*Meanwhile, no longer in Narnia*