
I would have liked for the surveyors to add a second part of the survey indicating how many are confusing this issue. I would guess (pure speculation) that most of those 34% fell victim to what you've pointed out.

I second what sassafras said....if I remember correctly from my stats class, you only need to survey 35 or so people (as long as its truly random selection) to start getting statistically significant data.

Also, the 5th book in the series (A Dance with Dragons) is hitting store shelves tomorrow....Also also, DRAGONS!

@QAZZY - True...but there's also alot you could do with an extra 520 hours each year (assuming 10 hrs/week "prospecting") and probably a more socially acceptable existence for those of us who are not consistently dogged by the funky odors of dog feces, phlegm, and rotten discarded food scraps!