
Plus, you get to keep that stock. Unless I am understanding this wrong, he is only buying the voting rights for the stock, not the stock itself.

I always picture trolls as teenagers who are being offensive for the shock factor. To see a roughly middle-aged guy like this is a little unsettling. It is nice to see a little karmic justice meted out though - trolls generally want attention, but not like this.

See everyone...people on both sides of the aisle can have bigoted and uneducated viewpoints!

Don't drive angry.

I would think that your example proves the point. The 'basic' size and shape of a tablet is not innovative or patent-worthy imho. Especially now that the technology exists to make the vast majority of the surface of the tablet the touchscreen itself, almost all tablets are going to look alike when they are turned

Hmmm, this spreadsheet definitely makes me wonder if the tone of the outrage would be laced with political elements if the political parties' stances were reversed. Obviously, its a split issue with Ds and Rs on both sides of the issue, so I'm not trying to overstate anything here, just wondering aloud...I see most*

Upon rereading, it would appear that the article has "statistically" inserted in each sentence relevant to my confusion. I withdraw my objection. Thank you, good sir!

Am I missing something or is this just an extension of the previous line of thinking (i.e. "there are soooooo many stars that extraterrestrial life seems more likely than not, or, seems statistically very likely). Now, "knowing"* that there are billions of planets as well as stars, seems to merely further support

What! DHL charges 49 Euro for international shipment of this thing! Dammit, I was in for the $26 cost, but not for $80...

No. He needs to stop wasting taxpayer dollars running for reelection while still in office. To some extent, its unavoidable and will always be done. Also, it can be executed intelligently and efficiently (you can schedule speeches in specific areas to actually address the functions of the Office while being

Ouch....ok then, no alerts needed in that case!

I get what you're trying to say, but you have to realize that anyone who is near the edge of the expected death zone would be able to increase their chances of survival with an alert. Looking at the above map, there are a number of major cities right on the border of that red circle (Bordeaux, Rome, Budapest, Krakow,

Why come poll number 2 no show up for me? Derp?

I concur! It doesn't have superpowered specs, but its actually really fast because there's no bloatware bogging the system down around every corner (*coughandroidcough*) but the camera definitely leaves a lot to be desired....do you know of any way to speed up the shutter (im no cameraphile, so i could be getting my

Blaming all your problems on republicans and/or George Bush is soooooo Gen X. Read more.

Wasn't there a Giz article a few weeks ago about how the Gov't can say that no records exist when the records do exist but their disclosure would affect national security? I think that this is pretty clearly one of those cases.

While I agree with your "I have nothing to hide" mentality, the issue here is that it would infringe on our constitutional right to privacy. It's a slippery slope from a 'tracking bug' to more invasive methods of spying and discrete data logging. The whole point is that our government was designed so that they don't

haha, nice....that was sarcasm, right?

@ erischilde