
@Ben Zvan

Well, that kinda misses the point I'm making...If a doctor's note or parental consent is required, then the child would be forced to get her parents' attention. Their inattentiveness is the problem that this scenario would be aimed at remedying.

I think this pill should be made available with either a parent's consent or a doctor's prescription, but not necessarily over the counter, to anyone under 18. If we make it available otc, no questions asked, because we are worried that: "Young girls who find themselves pregnant have often been manipulated by an

I think the point is that buying someone else a smartphone as a gift can create hassles because you are forcing them to take on an enormous additional cost themselves. The 4G part is just a tacked-on joke based on how cell providers advertise/name their devices vs. actual download/upload speeds.

You, sir, are a genius!

I think its a pretty big (and logically flawed) presumption that you are presenting here. The fact that Siri doesn't process the term "abortion clinic" the same as some generic other term does not necessarily mean that there is some Illuminati-like conspiracy behind this. You're right that "whether an individual is

Being an 'open system' should not mean that any users who participate forfeit their right to privacy. That's like saying, "Come on!!! So what if that guy pulled out your wallet and yelled out your credit card numbers...The mall is a PUBLIC PLACE...What do you expect?"

I agree...its unnecessary hyperbole considering how interesting the event is in and of itself. I would also add that the statement that it "kills any living thing it touches" is also unnecessary hyperbole because the video clearly shows some starfish getting caught in the ice growth, and others shuffling over it and

Well said Tom...I would add that whether this add is "more smug" than the trope they're playing off of is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe I'm biased because its a message that I can relate to more (teasing hipsters), but I think that this ad is significantly less smug that what Apple has generally put before the

Don't know if this has been pointed out before because it's always hard to read through the comments on any subject that has been latched onto by our political parties, but I believe that this study concluded that the extinction event did not kill off 95% of marine life and 75% of terrestrial life....

The real disgrace here is ABC News picking up the story. Trying to prevent individuals like Boyle from doing this would be like herding cats - impossible given the curious, fame-hungry, and attention-greedy nature of human beings. But ABC News should know better, and act better, than to pick up a story like this,

I think its an interesting idea, but is wholly unnecessary and would actually be duplicative...to play devil's advocate, I posit the following rebuttals:

The only government led economic-development program that I would support right now would be a nationwide overhaul of our data infrastructure - phone lines, cable lines, etc. I don't know how cable companies and ISPs intent to be able to pump more and more data over lines that are already woefully inefficient and

I think the difference between Panama's and Chicago's roads would be largely due to the added stresses of temperature change in Chicago. Hot summers expand the road materials and cold winters contract them, adding additional stresses and causing cracks. I definitely balked at the articles' assertion that roads are

customer satisfaction does not necessarily equate to a superior product....there are a number of variables that account for 'customer satisfaction' that are entirely unrelated to product quality. Particularly, Apple has been very successful in branding the iPhone as a "cool" device and a "must have" device, the

Thanks, I was wondering about that....while still quite fascinating, I was really getting excited for the donut star.

Go back and read through the comments on pages dealing with the iPhone antennae problem (as an example) and then see if you still think that iphone users aren't just as bad at trolling and baiting and fanboying as android users.

Or....it's missing any sort of measurable means of rating what is better: a $300 phone with no problems, or a $0 phone that has a few bugs.

Ohmygod, you're totally right! Whenever I see a news story with anything remotely negative about Apple, the comments section is always devoid of angry Apple fanboy commentators...you guys really nailed this one! Way to go!

That's unpossible!