

Isn’t this like working in any factory that produces displays and stuff like that? I mean if you play “creepy” music over most factory views it will seem scary.

It really sucks that I love both of these games. I preordered both and got the season pack for battleborn and all I can see now is battleborn falling quickly down a hole. It’s really lame that just because these two games are first person they will be in contest with each other even though they are quite different.

Letting gamers pick and choose what they want is just people being entitled. I support paying for a good game and if there are new characters that I absolutely can’t live without then I’ll but them, otherwise I’ll focus on the grand selection they gave me to start with.

As an eagles fan thanks for posting Lesean before he went to the Bills. Also would like to note that this whole arguing things is stupid. I love watching streams and football. I work in the heat all day welding and when im not i play games or watch games with my wife. I know i am the minority but hey we exist.

This was (like the others) was an awesome and hilarious read up until the completely unnecessary comment about BPD. As a person with a mental disorder, I am kind of unsure how a persons mental issues translate into humor, especially when it implies that they just get angry.

“The more I lo0k at it the more it looks like a gaping orifice—a once proud and pliant opening torn asunder by a couple dozen tiny sausages.” Dear god, I didn’t know this pizza and my ex wife had so much in common.

I was a founder for the game and thoroughly enjoy it, but i guess it is just that comic book appeal. Atomic green lanturn and first date doomsday will be hanging it up i suppose.

Onimusha 2. One of my favorite games of all time. I spent hours and hours and hours playing through the game multiple times, solving the puzzle boxes and the end game minigames. I was so proud of my game accomplishments and decided one last hurray for my favorite game, but this time with out leveling up and only

But doesn’t this have nothing to do with NRS? Is it a steam thing or something they wanted? That aside I would be super upset too. It just seems like no one cares about the situation at all.