He was just looking for sex & disguised it as a...date.
He was just looking for sex & disguised it as a...date.
Except Grace isn’t 5 years old and we shouldn’t infantilize her in this.
Explain to me how he coerced her. He has no power over her. He’s not in a position of authority over her. If his fame gave him power over her, that was her choice. Ansari is probably no more than 140 lbs soaking wet, so he’s not even a physical threat to her. She engaged in sexual activity with him. He never had…
I’m sure she’ll be rejected again.
Trump got elected.
Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.
and then the attorney...
He is one sexy fellow.
That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.
I wanna hang out backstage and light batteries on fire with Ludacris
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.
This will probably be an unpopular opinion but for all of his seeming admiration for women’s “smarts” and instincts I feel like Kenda’s an offhanded chauvinist. He doesn’t directly victim blame but I sense an undertone. I’d also bet that the hard boiled persona probably leads to the editing out of a few “broads” and…
I have no idea. But I’ve lost countless Sundays to sitting on the couch and watching every damn “Wives With Knives” or “Killer Babies”..doesn’t matter. If it’s on the ID Network..I’ll probably watch it. Same with Oxygen’s “Snapped” (my MIL loves that series).
My other go to why the fuck are you watching this?…
At the very least the baby has a suitable audition tape for Real Housewives.
my friend’s baby loves wine and will try to get at mine whenever i’m over. when she was teething my friend let me do a lil ruberoo of wine on her baby’s teeth and the baby was ABOUT THAT LIFE.
i fucking love how they talk about themselves. honest, but confident. i love it. i love them, this is the best.
Even if the mother were “brainwashing” the kids like something out of a cartoon, sending the children to Baby Jail for not wanting to spend time with their dad isn’t even remotely the proper response. And their dad not immediately saying something to the effect of, “This shit is inexcusable, please don’t torture my…
Given that their father left them in jail not allowed to see one another or have their mom or any of her family visit while he fucked off out of the country for two weeks, I’m entirely willing to believe they’ve got damn good reasons for wanting nothing to do with him.