Duke Thompson

I know we have the reboot, and I’m not knocking that, but in my alternate universe, Jonah and company are just the latest cast of the 30 years and counting continuous run of Mystery Science Theater 3000. There’s absolutely no shortage of movies to mock, and outside of rights issues, it couldn’t have been that

The player will have to be determined to have made a “socially conscious move” while in the action of kneeling.

Same here. That interview gave me second-hand anxiety. It’s so familiar and hurtful.

The Trumpuppet wants a military parade on The 4th. I hope Mueller releases his findings that day. It would take away from the attention on Trump and embarrass him on his most visible day in a while.


I didn’t know what to make of all that draft coverage until Schefter added his 4 cents.

My dad lives in Ryan’s district and really dislikes him. He’s still on the fence on Bryce because of his very blue collar background, but will vote for him to make Grand Moff Tarkin of Janesville unemployed.

How the hell you gonna come for someone else’s looks and you look like this???

I like that McGowan, Love, and de la Huerta were the three women who were brave enough to actually risk their careers by saying anything about Weinstein while everyone else tacitly accepted his behavior, and they are still blackballed by Hollywood while the enablers and beneficiaries jump on the #metoo bandwagon.

Did you know that Secret Samadhi has the dumbest lyrics of any album ever made? It’s true. Every goddamn song. It’s like Ed Kowalczyk went out of his way to make every single lyric bonkers and awkward. It’s astonishing really.

Weeden was 28 when they drafted him. I’m not saying that to contradict anything you said, I just have to write it down every so often because it was so stupid I still can’t believe it happened.

Eagels fan here. I’m calling it early: we sign Kap, he plays like a man possesed, we roll through the playoffs and win our first Superbowl, and Goddel is forced to hand to Lombardi trophy to Kap, the games MVP.

Project Veritas preparing for their next big exposé 

The Portnoy system just doesn’t have the same success rate though.

Good. Fuck Trump.

The Washteyeah Prosecutor’s Office would’ve approved the request.

Yeah, it’s “mom.”