Duke Thompson

I despite her too, but lets not sink to their level. Morality cant be situational. Il

They already are basically InfoWars. They just have more traditionally attractive talking heads who maintain an air of sophistication rather than going full-fledged racing lunatic.

I keep reading people who say they work with people who suffer abuse, and who say Kavanaughs behavior is typical of how abusers react when confronted about their behavior. If I knew nothing of them as individuals or their politics and watched that hearing with no prior knowledge I would support Ford.

It is going to be a stressful couple of weeks.

Did they convince themselves or were they persuaded by an active and ongoing campaign of disinformation and interference by a hostile foreign government and foreign leader who in particular had a personal beef with Clinton and vowed to destroy her? 

This literally never happened, and you're full of shit. 

Nobody is shocked. Neil Gorsuch was confirmed with nary a hitch. His ideology is just as heinous as Kavanaugh’s but there was nothing to be done. And that choice was literally stolen from Obama.

One more time, since you didnt get the picture yet. Bernie Bros were never a thing. It’s a bullshit myth. A handful of assholes who didn’t really know what they were talking about and latched onto Bernie and dropped his talking points at every opportunity, yea sure. That happens with any candidate. But this

That kind of voting is what’s driven the Republicans so far right. A few dudes with radical ideas about economics and religious zealotry have pushed their agenda down.

That sounded horrible over the radio as I drove home from work. Then I started streaming the video on cnn.com and saw the facial expressions and body language he was using and it all became so much worse. What a petulant little pissant. The crux of his thesis seemed to be no more than “How DARE you question my

What is most disturbing to me is how clearly the premise of Kavanaugh is more important than the reality. Because he has led a “decent” life and us a man of integrity and principle and all that happy horseshit, because he has been respectful to women within his social and familiar circle, women of the same

Durbin for VP 

I feel like this needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His apparent gayness is not something to be ashamed of or that should be used to shame him. He may be ashamed, but should not be.

*Russian male escorts

Appears that she doesn’t know what gofundme is.

Wait, CNN pays Rick fucking Santorum to be a talking head? Are you fucking kidding me?

It gives me some hope. I cant imagine the feeling in her gut all morning.

Durbin bringing heat. Love it.

Dr. Ford seems to be speaking more confidently as it goes on. Does anyone else notice that?
