Famous as in, which one could you probably buy a poster of at Spencer’s Gifts ?
Famous as in, which one could you probably buy a poster of at Spencer’s Gifts ?
Right, and he’s never expressly denied that anything happened. Here again he says “Well, it didn’t happen the way she says...”
Oh no... why? The worst I’ve heard about him is that he’s a serial asshole who leads women on and generally cannot be a respectful, emotionally available partner. Not to excuse that but it’s not uh, Weinsteiny or Cosbish. Are there rumors of something more sinister? Ugh.
You can get a malted milkshake from McDonalds’ ?
I can grasp that. I appreciate the sheer insanity of it existing. It’s our generation’s Manos: The Hands of Fate.
But that’s the point. Sacha Baron Cohen wanted to make a Freddie Mercury biopic, Brian May wanted to make a Queen biopic. Those are distinctly different projects. Thematically, SBC and judging from the comments quite a few other people think focusing on Freddie Mercury makes for a more compelling movie. I appreciate…
I just can’t get behind the cult of The Room. Wisseau seems like too obvious of a creep.
I got really into a Konami mobile game called Star Wars Force Collection a few years ago. You can’t really accomplish anything without spending money on card packs. It has a whole community around valuing and selling cards, all kinds of unofficial auctions and marketplaces on the Line chat app. I used to spend…
The private sales issue really bugs. In PA we can’t sell a car without going to a notary and having them sign the deed over. A gun should be the same fucking thing. And the notary has to run a background check. And can we just ban gun shows altogether?
My girlfriend works for the DoD and has to go to some base there for training every so often. She said its a living nightmare of inescapable boredom. Nothing but strip malls and shopping centers with chain restaurants as far as you can see.
What McConnell said is the goddamn bare MINIMUM a decent and respectable human should think and say, but the asshole Trump humpers in Alabama are crucifying him! Because being of the opinion that it is not OK for a man to pursue sex with 14 year olds and that an individual who does so should not hold public office…
Seeing that news last night really hurt. It reminded me how disengaged I’ve been from baseball the past couple of years while the Phillies have really, truly been awful. It took me back to that great stretch they had from 07-11 or so, how I went out of my way to watch them play almost every night they were on. I…
I disagree! For entirely self-interested reasons, I love Thursday Night Football this year.
Taking this at face value, it does look creepy and shitty. But at this point, trailers pretty regularly sell a movie that does not exist. I think this is likely a parody of Manhattan, like originally anticipated, cut in the style of a straight art house snoozy bullshit movie. The fucking thing is titled I LOVE YOU,…
Chris Brown will never accept the fact that his mental illness is not responsible for his shittiness. In his mind, he is absolved from his own bad choices because he struggles with mental illness. The mere fact that he has decided to “Work On Becoming A Better Person” or whatever the fuck is enough to absolve him of…
Please see here.
Another opportunity to share information about Philadelphia Union’s fleecing of the state Pennsylvania and Delaware County, PA to fund their dumbass stadium that’s in one of the poorest and most crime-ridden suburbs of the city.
It gives him half a shred of decency, but he’s obviously only motivated by familial love. I don’t see him knocking down anyone’s door to fight for LGBTQ equality.
And most likely we wouldn’t have ISIS.