Duke Thompson

It’s so fucked up that BLM has become the 2017 equivalent of YOLO in 2012. There are neon yellow and pink tanktops being sold on the Wildwood boardwalk right now that say BEACH LIVES MATTER. It’s not a fucking MEME jesus christ.

And I’m sure it’s not a real chocolate stout but just a shitty beer with artificial chocolate flavoring like that fake-ass DuClaw brewing loves to spew out.

Dogfish makes a stout brewed with lobster shells. It’s good as fukk

Do they show new movies?

I KNOW I saw Jurassic Park at the drive-in but damn if I can remember the movie it played with. Looking at the summer 1993 movies isn’t ringing a bell.

I used to enjoy that as a kid, feeling like I was getting away with something by staying up late enough to watch the second movie.

There are 2 active Drive-Ins where I grew up in eastern PA. They were great. A more kid-friendly G or PG movie first, like 20 minute intermission, and a more adult PG13 movie later. I don’t understand why they aren’t more widespread, especially in warmer areas of the country where they could operate year-round. Are

I have mostly stopped reading any of my local (Philly-area) sports columnists. I think the disconnect is that to that type of person, sports really is the be-all end-all. Listening to the sports writers talk on sports talk radio is so sad. They literally have no interests outside of sports, and sometimes their kids

There was a group I saw really often all around Philly before the Democratic convention called Black Men For Bernie who had huge groups loudly supporting Bernie. After Hilary won the nomination, the guy who founded that group started supporting Trump, saying the election was important to send a message to both parties

If I ever feel rushed or flustered or I’m somewhere that’s incredibly busy I just fall back on a Tito’s and club soda. It’s easy to make and easy to drink whether its too stiff or too weak.

Terminator 2 was the first R-rated movie I ever saw. It was Christmas break of 1992 and my dad rented it to watch with the shit-load of in-laws that were staying over for a few days at our house that barely fit the four of us who lived there. I was so, so very sick with the flu. I got a Real Ghostbusters firehouse

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they don’t want to officially call it a hate crime out of due diligence and not wanting to sabotage the case on some technicality the defense can point to.

Exactly. The whole conceit of the video is inherently abusive and bullying, without even getting into the Nazi bullshit that is also not funny. His attempt to explain his intention only made it worse for me. Like, he really thinks it’s okay to take advantage of poor people for a laugh? That’s some Montgomery Burns

But it’s also important to look at why something is funny. Like many people mentioned above, when Sarah Silverman or Louis CK make a “racist” joke, it is generally understood that they are doing a schtick to highlight the absurdity of racist thinking. Pewdiepie is making the poor people he’s taking advantage of the

I was like 12 or 13 when Phil Hartman was murdered and I was so sad about it. I want to revisit this show so bad.

Spencer makes a clear distinction between his ideas and the Nazis’. He identifies Nazism as belonging to a specific time and place (namely, 1930s Germany) and does not apply to what he believes in. So though he could very well be a Nazi in all but name, he refuses to be identified as a Nazi.

I wish they’d up their classic sitcom game. One day someone will have the entirety of Newsradio...

I really miss Nightly Show. It had found a great rhythm and style and Larry always had diverse guests and views represented. Fuck Comedy Central for cancelling it right before Trump really took off. Whoever runs Comedy Central must be a real asshole. They completely fucked up replacing Stewart (though Trevor Noah has

I’ve always liked South Park and I still watch it. It was interesting to revisit old episodes from when I was in middle school and had mostly no idea about what a libertarian is.

But he forgot to ask McGregor his opinions on The Gays