Duke Thompson

Yes but as the article mentions, investors in Lyft (Peter “I’m gonna live forever” Thiel among them) are among Trump’s advocates and compatriots. Do what you like with this information. I will continue to use Lyft mostly because more drivers have told me they get more out of Lyft at the end of the day (in higher

I would agree but go one further- he wants the approval of those people (Bannon, Spencer, Lucifer?). This is someone who has likely never had a real friend or someone who genuinely cares about him. His whole life has been sheltered and coddled, and he’s such a repugnant, boorish asshole that he’s probably been unable

Cheney and the Kochs are too old-school... they don’t want to see the American government burned to the ground, they think they can still use it to their advantage to make fuckwads of dough as they have for decades. Trump and Bannon literally want to see society crash so they can be in power to build it the way they

I don’t buy his excuse, and this guy is a shitheel for sure.