What does ability to afford have to do with anything? Just because a person can afford a certain gratuity in no way obligated them to pay for it unless they feel it is deserved.
What does ability to afford have to do with anything? Just because a person can afford a certain gratuity in no way obligated them to pay for it unless they feel it is deserved.
It was 10-15 percent back when I was a server. Nothing has changed since then to warrant the higher and higher tips expected by entitled servers. Yes cst of living has increased, but so hs the cost of food, dramatically in some cases, meaning proportionally higher tips. You get 15 if you don’t suck at your job. 20-25…
Wow, this comment really hit the nail on the head... after the first and before the last paragraphs. It really is "always something". The irony of privilege is completely lost on those doing all the complaining. What's the old saying? If you don't like it, leave? Your problems are just that. The rest of us have our…
Capitalism trump’s politics, by a Chick-fil-A sized margin
You think Republican folks make their food decisions based on petty political grievances? That’s not how capitalism works, and it’s not how right-leaning people think.... Especially not enough to elevate a company into the realm of Starbucks competition.
“I’ll own up to white people being colonizers, domestic terrorists and all that shit“
That seems like a matter of perspective to me. If $600 is no big deal to you, then you probably think a person is a fool for borrowing $600. But at the same time, a multi-millionaire probably thinks you’re an idiot if you have a mortgage on a $200,000 house. Why pay all that interest when you could have just bought it…
They sound like the polar opposite of the social justice warriors in the US, hunting down any employee that retweets the NRA or dares to wear a MAGA hat and getting them fired. The parallels are striking
Why should any person of a particular race be concerned with the specific plights of another race of people? This is not a question limited to black and white, though I understand clearly that the black/white issue is the sole obsession of many liberal whites. But what incentive does a person have to sacrifice their…
You’re wrong about one critical aspect. Not only do we not care, but the more we hear about it, the less we care moving forward. The more you beat the drums of war, the more you rile your enemy into action against you.
Hundreds of people die from unnatural causes every day in America, and nobody “weighs in” on it. It’s part of the deal when you are born that you may meet an untimely end. Any one of us could be killed at any time and for no reason. What was the answer you were hoping for? Did you think that a couple dozen high…
Completely agree with the author on this one. Militant blacks should constantly strive to remind the many liberal guilt-ridden Whites that they are weak and inferior. Clearly, those Whites have no desire to listen to members of their own race explaining to them the folly of their ways. Take it a step further if you…
The real question is, which retarded employee “outed” their CEO to Steam and got their whole company blacklisted from the platform? Seems like a great way to ensure your own failure
This is the Root. If your comment isnt saying that all whites are racist, then you’re wrong.
Vandalism against personal property is absolutely an assault an against your person. Whatever property is being vandalized has value; in the case of a Lamborghini, significant value. How does one earn the money to acquire things of value? By spending time. In the case of a Lamborghini, significant amounts of time.…
So far I’m really disappointed with the general loading times of the Xbox One X. I do have to say that the graphics are top notch, there’s no doubt about that. It’s simply not a fast machine when it comes to general tasks. Just turning it on and getting to the dash board takes a lot longer than it should. Multiple…
No. A lot of people wanted Destiny 2 but what they got instead was a Destiny 1 expansion, minus many of the improvements added from taken king onward. A huge step backwards
Awww, poor little Black kids got verbally harassed... Talk to Jessica Byrnes-Laird about that.
Seems like articles harshly critiquing every possible aspect of being a white male in America has become a defining phenomena of the 21st century.
Funny how the “hate group” is the only one that always follows the law, applies for permits, and abides by city protocols during their marches. Am i meant to support their opposition? The ones that bring violence to peaceful rallies, instigate violent confrontations, and cover themselves head to toe in black garb…