
Thanks Google for directing me to yet another anti-white, anti-american racist trash article, care of the perpetually aggrieved. The comments section on any Root article is all I need to see to realize I can never let my guard down because the tyranny of the minority will always be fighting to destroy everything

The headline shot of Newton looks like a video game. Some kind of uncanny valley thing going on with the lighting and whatnot.

Press L + R + Select + Start together to “soft reset” at any time. Unfortunately it doesn’t take you to the home screen. But there is a home button on the Wii Classic controller, and although I haven’;t tried it myself, I gather from reading elsewhere that this controller works with the SNES Classic and the Home

I feel like being lead to the Root from a mainstream news feed is akin to being lead to Stormfront all the same. If you hate White people, that’s your business and idgaf, but when your views start to go mainstream, it’s time for people to complain and get this trash website removed from the news feeds.

Wrong place to argue that side of it. You’re probably speaking directly to the Antifa’s themselves when you post in these parts. Unless you’re comment is condoning or otherwise celebrating violence against a White person, then you will be flamed.

You should have known better. If you’re easily triggered, then the military is not where you belong.

Because nothing beats anti-white hate speech except for snuffing out those who would dare disagree!

One less problem for the rest of us to deal with. I feel the same way whenever thugs get gunned down by the police or the other thugs. Keep on taking out the trash. Good riddance.

Why does this racist website keep showing up in mainstream feeds? Half the commenters advocate death to cops (with burner names of course). This is a hate site right inline with storm front

I have no idea why white people think about or try to solve black problems. Their help is not wanted nor is it appreciated. This author clearly demonstrates that some lines will always travel in a circle. There is no changing course for a people so feverishly determined to maintain the status quo of victim hood.

The alt right people are stupid. Not stupid for their beliefs about being oppressed, not stupid for their desire to be treated fairly, but completely stupid for their implementation. Marches and protests accomplish nothing. Not for any race and not for any cause. Especially for them, given that the entire

This illustrates the importance of having two or more internet lives. Many online activities require different identities for different purposes. The less acceptable the activity, the more anonymous that identity needs to be. There’s no reason at all to bring your professional identity that took years to cultivate and

Security dude took it way to easy on her. All he had to day was start yelling stop resisting and then he could have put in a knee in her back and slammed her down. I used to see this type of crap all the time in West Indianapolis, but in that part of town, nobody was ever filming any of it and CERTAINLY nobody was

There’s a time and a place to express personal opinions. For the majority of us, social media is neither. Shutting down unpopular opinions does nothing to eliminate them. On the contrary, it just pushes them deeper into the heart where they become bottled up and continue to grow. Even forbidden opinions will

There’s no such thing as bad publicity. I’ve never heard of this game, but now I’m intrigued

PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are both fails given what the companies are apparently trying to do with them. If they want to do “mid-gen” upgrade cycles, then they need to design the hardware with swappable parts in a way that is simplified from the PC equivalent, or something to that effect. The way it looks now, I can’t

Is that a Porsche Cayenne at 4:35? lol

Can’t wait for a mod that flips the good guys and bad guys around. Also notice that all the bad guys are white, while the player is free to choose their own skin color. Mods need to address that as well.

Female competition is not like male competition. Males fight with each other on the field, then they go out for beers and they’re best buds afterwards. Women know how to fight with each other, but they carry those feelings with them long after the game has ended. I’ve observed this phenomenon in a multitude of arenas,

Strong emphasis on the inability to rebind hotkeys. This is a huge detriment and cannot be under-stated for anyone serious about the game. There are also restrictions, compared to games like Starcraft, on what you can do even with the pre-bound keys. For example, you can’t add units to an already existing group unless