Good news, I'm pretty sure you're exactly the type of person the future owner of the truck would like to stay far away from
Good news, I'm pretty sure you're exactly the type of person the future owner of the truck would like to stay far away from
Same here. Traded my 2019 silverado for a 22 outback wilderness and I’m appalled that this car is getting worse fuel economy than the truck was. I was getting 20 to 21 mpg in the big truck, now averaging around 19mpg in the outback with the same conservative driving style. It’s ridiculous
I bought a 22 outback wilderness and have been shocked at the generally terrible fuel economy. I mostly love the car, but im averaging 19 to 20 mpg in the winter now, and I drive very conservatively for the most part. I knew going in it was worse than the regular outback, but I didn't expect the fuel economy to be the…
Just because you're down with the cause, doesn't mean the cause will be down with you. Unfortunately, people only seem to learn this lesson the hard way.
How about you make your own games with whatever characters you want to see in them, and all the other people making games can do the same thing with theirs. Nah, I know that’s not gonna fly. You use your platform to make demands and impose your views and your ideas onto the creative works of others, never once…
I don’t give motorcycles more room to be nice. I give them more room because I don’t trust them not to do something stupid. You splitting my lane is a good example of forcing me to reevaluate my situation to make sure your manuever isn’t putting me in harm’s way. Other drivers are highly unpredictable sometimes, and I…
Ive never played this before, but this feature is actually pretty enticing to me. 100 bucks between friends for a private server for a year would allow us to experience the game together as a real fallout game. I don’t really care about the atoms at all.
This seems like a recall-worthy issue. Sure, OTA updates can slow down the logging, but there must be an awful lot of cars that are the brink of getting bricked soon. If this were Honda or Toyota, for example, a recall would almost certainly be announced imminently
Valve stands to gain precisely nothing from saying something potentially inflammatory. By “taking a stand” against some issue, a company is effectively picking sides. The only possible outcome will be lost revenue. The number of potential customers who do not engage in any kind of harrassment but will nevertheless…
If there's anything at all I've learned over the past 3 years, it's that apologizing to people who are irrationally outraged is never the right course of action.
Harrassing devs is just so uncalled for. All you have to do is NOT buy their game, and the message will be loud and clear. There is absolutely no reason to get beligerent and hostile with people working long hours in front of a computer screen that are not in any position to remedy your anger, even if they wanted to.…
Indie and crowdfunded games are the future. Triple A companies forsake their most loyal customers, choosing instead to cater and pander to the social justice crowd and concerning themselves with the color and gender of both their employees and the fictional characters they create. This inevitably comes at a cost as…
Douchebag writer demonstrates why mainstream left exists in isolated bubble of tantrums and hatred
The metric makes perfect sense to me. I love Nintendo, but many of their games are relatively short on content compared to their price. I frequently pause before purchasing one to see how much time I can expect to get out of it. If a person sets aside x amount of money in their budget for games and likes to spend a…
Who are all these men that can’t take care of themselves? Are they city boys primarily? My life experience has been the exact opposite up to this point. I’ve lived in several big cities, a couple of rural communities, and also in Germany and Spain for 2 years apiece. Yes, there are men here and there that really don’t…
It seems very clear that publishers don’t want to have to hear from their fans when they make unpopular decision., but they sre al too happy to ride any positive buzz with their hands out begging for money. Calling the reviews and forums of steam “toxic” actually demonstrates exactly why they are needed. They are the…
Man I haven't even thought about pirating games in many many years, but I have a feeling that this is the kind of stupidness that will bring it back again
So she expected anonymity (a special privilege that other players don’t get to enjoy), then left because the community wasn’t having it. And right on cue, the white knights come out of the woodwork to ramble on about the evil patriarchy and how unfair it all is that everyone is expected to play by the same rules. This…
In this day and age, there are an uncountable number of topics, phrases, hashtags, and slogans that have to be avoided if you don’t want to to trigger the outrage mob. I don’t really see why these companies maintain any presence at all on social media. Is it really worth it? If a single tweet that referenced a…