
As always, the makers take a risk when they allow the minority with the big voice to influence their work. Who knows, maybe the devs change everything we love about games and we end up loving them even more, or the opposite will happen, or nothing happens at all. Either way, the people will vote with their wallets and

That’s where I’m at with it. Different outfits and skin colors, but the same poor leadership

Impossible to FF to the right spot on my phone. Every tiny adjustment to the progress bar yield minutes of reloading, while dragging the bar doesn’t show the time you are going to land at until you release and wait. Next time please link directly to the time, or make a gif, or a short clip.

Wow, it was surprisingly easy to trip into this echo chamber of hate speech. I feel like I stumbled into the liberal version of Stormfront. And all I wanted to do was read about a video game on kotaku

With all the things that are broken or poorly functioning in the game, THIS is what they want to apologize for and prioritize patching? Bioware... You have already fallen so far, but that you choose to turn a fall into a nosedive is so disappointing.

Wow! It must be crazy to not have the same privileges as everyone else in the world. It’s really unfair to the billions of blacks living in impoverished nations to see American blacks enjoying such an amazing quality of life without having to lift a finger! And what makes it worse, those American blacks refuse to even

Wow, now just reverse the blacks and whites in your paragraph and you will arrive at the realest truth of them all

The social justice direction bioware started down some years ago is the reason I stopped buying/playing their games. They don’t even feature any hot girls in their games anymore. It’s all about manly, busted women showing no skin while they act manly. Every dialog chain in their games has something to say about the

I’ve thought this about every Overwatch reel ever. Just.. no clue what I’m watching. Even when its supposed be some expert moves or whatever, I can’t really tell what’s up, and i just don’t care at all. I guess Overwatch isn’t for everyone.

This kid is pretty stupid. I am not inclined to judge someone for their views or feelings. For all I care, he could be right on every account. The reason he is stupid is that he chose to engage his audience in this way. He opened himself up to harsh judgement, and he should have known better. In this day and age,

As a person whose never played any moba games before but has always found the idea interesting, articles like this steer me completely away from the genre. From what I understand here, you can be banned from this game just for sucking at it... Which I imagine I would if I tried it. Essentially, if you don’t play a

So what’s your solution to all this? If cops are out to kill blacks and apparently do so all the time without consequence, and White supremacists are everywhere, and black youths are truly just the victims of White hatred at all times, then what is your solution? Many Whites are practically begging for segregation,

I might be in the minority here, but I see this as a good thing. Freeing developers to make a choice on whether or not to support TV mode opens up a catalog of options for game ports that I wasn’t expecting to be viable. This pretty much translates to more choices, which I hardly think is ever a bad thing for the

I can imagine that this would be very upsetting. These big creators shouldn’t be so reckless when there is real money involved. Just ‘cause they can throw their weight around online doesn’t protect them in real life. You never know when you are messing with the wrong person. If someone spent literal years of their

So funny to see this article. I bought ESO very recently when it was half off for the “ultimate” version or whatever it’s called that has all the expacs included. I only got to level 8 before I came across a huge pack of player characters doing exactly what this article describes. I was so put off by it that I logged

Whites are the only race of people in the world that completely fail to defend their race from attack by other races. Many Whites willingly and happily take part in the attacks on their own race. They are literally shitting on their own ancestors and their heritage, and they are completely happy to do so. It’s

What is this bullshit? Nobody cares about any of this. We want a good alien shooter. Pseudo-intellectual analysis of the underlying Alien movie themes don’t mean jack shit when we’re talking about a god damn Doom mod. Take this crap back to film class

My local best buy has a huge stack of PSVRs that has been untouched since launch. I’m one of those people that goes to best buy at least once a week just to kill time and look at games. I see the same pile of PSVRs week after week. They also have a massive stock of Xbox elite controllers. No kidding, around 30 of